Chief minister Mamata Banerjee's Christmas message: Don’t hate anyone

In the audience and on the dais were people from all walks of life and faith

Subhankar Chowdhury Kolkata Published 22.12.23, 06:00 AM
Father Dominic Savio, principal of St Xavier’s College, offers cake to chief minister Mamata Banerjee at the pre-Christmas gathering in the college compound on Park Street on Thursday. Also in the picture are mayor Firhad Hakim (second from left) and Father Felix Raj, vice-chancellor of St Xavier’s University

Father Dominic Savio, principal of St Xavier’s College, offers cake to chief minister Mamata Banerjee at the pre-Christmas gathering in the college compound on Park Street on Thursday. Also in the picture are mayor Firhad Hakim (second from left) and Father Felix Raj, vice-chancellor of St Xavier’s University Picture by Gautam Bose

Chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said the message of Christmas is “not to hate anyone” and that she will always “speak for unity”.

She spoke at two annual pre-Christmas gatherings that she makes a point to attend. The first was at Allen Park, at the intersection of Park Street and Wood Street, and the other at St Xavier’s College, a few blocks away.


In the audience and on the dais were people from all walks of life and faith.

“Christmas Day is all for unity and integrity. It gives a message that we are a united family… not to hate anybody. This is the message of Christmas,” the chief minister said in her address after opening the Christmas Festival at Allen Park.

“Different colours, different castes, different creeds, but all together we are a united family. I consider myself a human being…. I will always speak for unity, walk for unity, talk for unity.”

Underlining this message of unity, she said: “I go to the temple, I go to the mosque, I go to the gurdwara, I also go to the church. Please remember, all festivals are our festivals. Christmas has become one of our festivals.”

The chief minister went to St Xavier’s College from Allen Park.

The spirit of togetherness accompanying the Christmas celebrations in the city kept coming back through the evening.

At Fr Depelchin Auditorium in the college, Mamata said: “We love all castes, all creeds, all religions. We all walk together. Maybe somebody has their own religion, but festivals cannot be restricted to a particular place. A festival is celebrated everywhere. Now we are celebrating in Kolkata how to give light to the poor on the eve of Christmas.”

“Punjab-Sindh-Gujarat-Maratha/Dravida-Utkala-Banga. Hindu Muslim, Sikh, Isai, apas mein rehna bhai, bhai (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, be together like brothers). It is just like a world. A happy world. We all are a united family,” Mamata said to applause from the audience, made of students, present and past, and others.

The programme was organised by St Xavier’s College (Autonomous) and St Xavier’s College Calcutta Alumni Association.

Father Dominic Savio, principal of the college, too spoke of the inclusive character of Christmas.

“Christmas teaches us to do loving things for others, not just for those we love, to reach out to those who have nothing to celebrate. The poor and outcaste, those who live in absolute poverty, in sad and desperate situations,” Father Savio said.

“Today, more than ever, Jesus needs to be born again in our lives and our world. Our world is divided by strong selfishness, pride, sin, suffering and war. We need Jesus to live in peace and harmony.”

Firdausul Hasan, honorary secretary of the college’s alumni association, said: “The chief minister has been sharing the joy of Christmas with us for more than a decade now and for the SXCCAA family, her visit is like a homecoming since she is an honorary member of SXCCAA. We are grateful to her and to Reverend Father Principal....”

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