Usha Uthup releases two singles with INRECO and Hindusthan records after 44 years

I am not breaking boundaries or trying to break boundaries, or break the ceiling... nothing like that. The most important thing in life is to be relevant, says the veteran singer

Published 29.10.22, 06:35 AM
Actor Dev was present at the launch of Mon bhalo theko and Usha Uthup took the opportunity to give him a tika for Bhai Phonta. “It is an honour to be here. It is a song in her voice and a lot of us have grown up listening to her. I am happy and excited to be here and that too on Bhai Phonta,” said Dev.

Actor Dev was present at the launch of Mon bhalo theko and Usha Uthup took the opportunity to give him a tika for Bhai Phonta. “It is an honour to be here. It is a song in her voice and a lot of us have grown up listening to her. I am happy and excited to be here and that too on Bhai Phonta,” said Dev.

Veteran singer Usha Uthup is still making waves with her contribution to the music scene. On October 26, the singer launched her song Mon bhalo theko with INRECO and Hindusthan Records, in presence of actor Dev, at Trincas on Park Street. A few days before the launch she released another song called Mon manchhe na aar which works as a continuation of the story captured in Mon bhalo theko.

In Mon manchhe na aar, the video shows two young lovers, played by Neel Rameez and Jina Nandi, going on a date to Trincas where the singer is shown as the star performer. In Mon bhalo theko the same couple is seen 20 years later, happily married, celebrating their love by going back to Trincas where they find the singer performing yet again. While Mon bhalo theko has gathered 17,000-plus views in two days on YouTube, Mon manchhe na aar has about 77,000-plus views.


A chat with the icon.

How are you feeling about the new release?

I am so thrilled. There’s a lump in my throat because it has been a fantastic journey while doing this entire song. I am the protagonist and so is the music and how music keeps people together. The new channels of delivery, like OTT... the new concepts... they used to show the high point first and then show the beginning... about how it happened. Mon manchhe na is actually the second video where we show that they are already into their 20th anniversary. But what they were before is what Mon bhalo theko is all about. We are hoping that this concept would click. The music by Suvojit Ray is fantastic and the lyricist, Rajib, has done a fantastic job. Arpita and Chanchal, the videographer, too did a good job. The whole team is young and I am the only one who is younger (laughs).

What made you decide to put the second part of the love story out first?

We showed a “to be continued” in the first video. They are both listening to my song and they showed the cassette recorder to show how many years ago it was... when they were listening to me. So when the song gets over, the player goes off and it says “to be continued.” In the next video we show how happy they are after 20 years, listening to my music.

The entire team behind the songs took a group picture with Dev. “It is a nostalgic moment for us because Ushadi had recorded her first Bengali song, Aha tumi sundari koto Kolkata, in her melodious voice with Hindusthan Records in 1978. After 44 years we are reunited and releasing a brand new Bengali song with her. Listeners will love this song in Ushadi’s timeless voice,” said Riad Dipanjan Saha, CEO, INRECO and Hindusthan Records (extreme left). “Ushadi is my dream come true. Since childhood I have listened to her songs and I am too excited for this. It has come out very well,” said actor Neel Rameez (second from left).

The entire team behind the songs took a group picture with Dev. “It is a nostalgic moment for us because Ushadi had recorded her first Bengali song, Aha tumi sundari koto Kolkata, in her melodious voice with Hindusthan Records in 1978. After 44 years we are reunited and releasing a brand new Bengali song with her. Listeners will love this song in Ushadi’s timeless voice,” said Riad Dipanjan Saha, CEO, INRECO and Hindusthan Records (extreme left). “Ushadi is my dream come true. Since childhood I have listened to her songs and I am too excited for this. It has come out very well,” said actor Neel Rameez (second from left).

After all these years, how are you pushing boundaries with the two new releases?

Pushing boundaries for sure but I am not doing it consciously. I am not doing it because I want to make a statement or a sensational statement. I am not a sensationalist. I just believe in my music and I believe in the fact that I inspire fidelity. People come up to me and say when they were 18 or 19 years old, they used to hold hands listening to me singing at Trincas and now their grandchildren and great grandchildren are listening to my music and holding hands.

That must make you feel really....

Really fantastic. So I am not breaking boundaries or trying to break boundaries, or break the ceiling... nothing like that. It just happens. The most important thing in life is to be relevant.

The video was shot at Trincas where everything began for you.

It began for me and it began for them, the lovers. That’s the whole story. They come to listen to me when they were young and 20 years later... I actually wanted to keep it as 50th but that would not be fair on the actors for making them look so old (laughs). But they’ve done such a fantastic job.

What was it like being on set in Trincas having this story?

Lovely, it was like I was doing a show here (laughs). It is home to me. Even today, I dressed up in the same clothes that I wore in the video, got my hair done. And I’m thinking: “Wow! It has really been amazing to know that people still get so thrilled with my music.”

Dev is also here to celebrate the launch with you.

We did Bhai Phonta. Wasn’t that sweet? He is so evil-y good. He’s so marvellous, such a wonderful human being. It is very nice to be important but more important to be nice, which he is.

Pictures: B. Halder

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