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How to Keep Your Lungs Healthy: Insights from Dr. Ritam Chakraborty

Dr. Chakraborty also highlighted the importance of reducing indoor air pollution. Ensuring good indoor air quality by minimizing dust, mold, and chemical fumes can protect the lungs.

ABP Digital Brand Studio Published 26.06.24, 09:03 PM

The lungs play a vital role in our bodies by mixing oxygen from the air into the bloodstream and expelling carbon dioxide. Due to their exposure to external elements, they are vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, and dust particles, which can lead to infections like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Maintaining lung health is crucial for overall well-being.

In a recent interview with Anandabazar Online, Dr. Ritam Chakraborty, a consultant pulmonologist at HP Ghosh Hospital, emphasized the importance of lifestyle changes and natural methods for keeping lungs healthy. One primary recommendation is to quit smoking, as it significantly damages the lungs and increases the risk of lung diseases. Quitting smoking can greatly improve lung function and reduce disease risk.

Dr. Chakraborty also highlighted the importance of reducing indoor air pollution. Ensuring good indoor air quality by minimizing dust, mold, and chemical fumes can protect the lungs. Using air purifiers, ensuring proper ventilation, and avoiding harsh chemicals can contribute to cleaner air and healthier lungs.

Recognizing early symptoms of lung disease is crucial for timely intervention. If symptoms like persistent coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, unwanted phlegm, or coughing up blood occur, consulting a pulmonologist is essential. Early detection leads to better treatment outcomes.

Lung diseases fall into two main categories: infectious and non-infectious. Infectious diseases include tuberculosis (TB) and pneumonia, while non-infectious diseases include asthma, COPD, and interstitial lung disease. These conditions are treatable if diagnosed early and managed promptly. Regular check-ups and timely vaccinations can help prevent and manage these diseases effectively.

In conclusion, maintaining lung health involves quitting smoking, ensuring clean indoor air, and being vigilant about early symptoms. Regular medical check-ups and vaccinations are also crucial. Taking proactive steps to care for your lungs ensures a healthier future and better quality of life.

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This article has been produced on behalf of HP Ghosh Hospitals by ABP Digital Brand Studio.

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