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Emerging Cybersecurity Careers Beckon Aspiring Data Defenders

As seen in recent predictions for 2023, threat actors stand ready to exploit cloud misconfigurations, poison machine learning models, infiltrate software supply chains, and even build extortion schemes around blockchain.

ABP Digital Brand Studio Published 19.01.24, 03:17 PM
Praxis Cybersecurity

Praxis Cybersecurity

Integrating cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning, and blockchain into business operations brings efficiency gains and new cyber risks. As seen in recent predictions for 2023, threat actors stand ready to exploit cloud misconfigurations, poison machine learning models, infiltrate software supply chains, and even build extortion schemes around blockchain.

In the face of such threats, data science students have a unique opportunity to take up the mantle of data defender. Aspiring cybersecurity professionals can use their analytical skills, statistical knowledge, and coding abilities to outmanoeuvre threats. Specific high-demand roles include:

Cloud Security Engineer: Hardening cloud configurations and monitoring for anomalies in usage patterns that could indicate a breach. Skills needed: cloud platforms, infrastructure-as-code, container orchestration.

AI Ethics and Security Researcher: Ensuring responsible and safe development of AI systems. Skills required: machine learning, model auditing, adversarial ML techniques.

Blockchain Forensics Investigator: Tracing cryptocurrency transactions to identify fraud, ransomware payments, or sanction violations. Skills required: cryptocurrencies, blockchain analysis tools, cyber investigations.

Threat Intelligence Analyst: Proactively identifying emerging cyber risks through data aggregation and statistical modelling. Skills required: data engineering, statistical analysis, communication.

The playing field has changed. Cybercriminals are going on the offensive with never-before-seen techniques tailored to exploit new technologies. But where there are threats, there are also opportunities for passionate problem-solvers.

As a data science student, you have the quantitative skill set to confront cyber risks in the digital era. Join the front lines and help build resilient systems to protect businesses and customers. The time is now to skill up and answer the call of this rapidly growing career field.

Numerous academic institutions offer programs in data science - Praxis Tech School, with campuses in Kolkata and Bengaluru is ranked India’s No. 1 Data Science institution.

A pioneer in this domain, for the last 10 years, it has established an enviable reputation by offering a highly regarded 9-month full-time Post-Graduate Program in Data Science (PGPDS), with Generative AI & Machine Learning. The program is designed & delivered in close alliance with industry knowledge partners. The curriculum is synced with the latest developments and provides rigorous training in data science, its applications, and the required tools. The PGPDS program is offered in Kolkata and Bangalore. For more details, visit

Praxis Tech School also offers Corporate Training workshops for practicing managers to understand and apply Analytics to their workflows.

A shortage of data science skills poses a significant challenge but also presents an opportunity for India to focus on emerging technologies, encourage skill development, and reinforce its position as a leading global player in tech. Praxis Tech School was early to recognize this shift and worked to fill this gap with its programs courses that are creating leaders for a digital tomorrow.

This article has been produced on behalf of Praxis Tech School by ABP Digital Brand Studio.

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