This sexagenarian tailors baptism gowns, boutonnieres for Kolkata’s Christian community

Susan Dragwidge of Sue’s Couture runs a small business offering custom-made clothing for little girls, wedding corsages and more

Lygeia Gomes Published 15.06.22, 07:41 PM
Susan Dragwidge and a christening gown from Sue’s Couture

Susan Dragwidge and a christening gown from Sue’s Couture

Growing up, Susan Dragwidge’s play dolls were always dressed in couture. Susan spent her teenage years at her grandmother’s sewing machine, unknowingly cultivating the skill that is today the fulcrum of her small business — Sue’s Couture.

“Sewing is something that I have been passionate about from a very young age. I remember I used to turn the fabric of my mother’s old gowns into little outfits for my dolls,” says Susan, the 64-year-old entrepreneur spearheading Sue’s Couture.


A one-woman show

Sue’s Couture is a one-woman show, functioning out of a Ballygunge address. She began her brand in 2012, tailoring custom nightgowns and housecoats for women and then slowly expanded into clothing for newborn babies and young children, over the years.

“When I introduced clothing for babies, it was very well-liked so I stuck to that,” says the sexagenarian.

Sue’s Couture tailors dresses in pretty patterns and vibrant hues — making sure Kolkata’s little lassies look as cute as a button. She customises patterns as per preference, so if you want something specific, ask away! Come Christmas, which is also the wedding season for the Christian community, Susan, who is a parishioner of Christ the King Church, Park Circus, spins together the prettiest boutonnieres and corsages.

Boutonnieres and corsages from Sue’s Couture

Boutonnieres and corsages from Sue’s Couture

Today, Sue’s Couture is best known for its christening gowns and robes (clothing babies don on their Baptism day — the day they officially enter the Christian faith). “I usually only make dresses for girls, but recently I made a christening romper for a boy as well,” says the mother of two. She also makes little shoes and bonnets for the little ones’ ‘big day’.

Custom-made baby dresses by Sue’s Couture

Custom-made baby dresses by Sue’s Couture

“I use white satin and lace for the christening gowns. I design all the clothes myself, taking inspiration from various places,” says the expert with the needle, explaining that she’s most comfortable with patterns she curates herself. During the pandemic, Susan tailored little masks to go along with the outfits as well!

A little tailored mask to go with christening outfits

A little tailored mask to go with christening outfits

Sue’s Couture has grown organically over the last 10 years. Susan tells us that even though she has no professional training in the industry, she has always kept up with trends in vogue. “I didn’t know much when I started this business but I have learnt over the years. Every time I’m stuck, I go to YouTube. You can learn anything on it!” laughs the seamstress.

If you are looking to order from Sue’s Couture, follow the Facebook page or contact her on +91 93394 64719.

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