Sounds of healing

Yoga session at Swapnobhor teaches techniques to calm body and mind, “Elevate yourself through the power of your mind, and not degrade yourself, for the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self.” The Bhagavat Gita (Chapter 6.5)

Urmimala Dasgupta Published 08.09.23, 12:52 PM

The mind, when trained and controlled can become one’s best friend and guide one to lead a peaceful life. Several techniques to control the mind and become stress-free were taught at a programme titled Holistic session to enrich your soul, conducted by Yog Acharya Yuvika Dhar from Veda Yogshala at Swapnobhor Park for senior citizens last month. A full house of senior citizens witnessed Yuvika and her team demonstrate yoga postures along with the breathing techniques and explained their benefits.

The session was on partner yoga, Vedic chanting, kriya yoga, dhyan, hasya yoga and naad or sound healing. “The ancient techniques of sound healing originated in India but were long forgotten. Our ancestors used these techniques ages back. These are still used in Tibetan monasteries. We are trying to revive the wonderful yogic techniques so that people benefit from this,” said Yuvika, who has been teaching and practising yoga and Vedic rituals for over a decade.

(l-r) Yoni Asana, Purna Dhanurasana

(l-r) Yoni Asana, Purna Dhanurasana

Yoni Asana

Recommended especially for women. It is good for ovarian uterine health. Girls suffering from polycystic ovarian disease and hormonal irregularities can benefit from it. The asana also relieves low back pain and brings in a sense of calmness within.

Purna Dhanurasana

It improves spine health, massages the organs in our stomach, improves digestion and respiration.

Benefits galore

Sound healing technique was used in the Vedic times when it was believed that sound acted like medicine. The cells in our body react very well to the vibrations produced by the singing bowls that produce the alpha and theta brain waves. When the vibration reaches our brain, it stimulates the healing process within the body. These bowls are useful for stress management as well as pain management. People suffering from migraine and brain tumor find this treatment beneficial. Children with ADHD, concentration problem, pregnant women going through hormonal changes, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy also avail of sound healing as it helps lessen pain and manage stress.

The session got the entire audience involved in practising yogic postures with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. The trainers went around to assist the participants. One of the mudras taught was the bhuminaman mudra or surrender to the earth. It is done to give up one’s ego, which is the root cause of all problems in life. Once the practitioner empties his mind through asanas and breathing techniques he can have a pure mind. “The main aim of yoga is to get connected with the Supreme and experience the bliss of communion.

One can surrender oneself at the feet of the Lord or the guru or one’s parents or anyone one believes to be the Supreme,” she said. Yuvika took questions on various physical problems and made the audience aware of interesting facts about our physiology and the healing power of yoga to deal with some age old problems. Solutions to nose block, snoring, sinus, cramped feet, shoulder or neck pain, thyroid problems were discussed. Practical demonstrations were given on various asanas.

“We have our regular yoga classes for senior citizens of Swapnobhor but this is a special one that made us aware of a wonderful technique that is part of our tradition. The session is a learning-by-doing experience that got each of the participants involved. Seeing its success, we are planning to hold another session soon,” said Utpal Das, administrator, Swapnobhor. The elderly audience went back to their childhood while practising Chakit Mudra and Hasya Yoga that break out in loud bursts of laughter, expressing their inner joy.

The last lesson was the Naad yoga or the sound healing technique. In this, body and mind are brought in connection with one’s spiritual Self. The entire audience was made to practise this yogasana by using vibrations created by the sounds of different instruments, like healing grade singing bowl, gongs, ocean drums, ghelo, bells and conch shell.

Vishwamitra Asana It is good for strengthening bones and muscles, toning the body, enhancing leg flexibility and improving respiration

Vishwamitra Asana It is good for strengthening bones and muscles, toning the body, enhancing leg flexibility and improving respiration

The relaxing effect of these sounds were clearly visible on the audience which sat still with eyes shut, listening to Yuvika’s instructions along with the background sounds. This technique is being used in addition to medical treatment in order to cure patients having some blockages in the form of physical disease. Supriya Kundu of BF Block, New Town found the session to be “extremely beneficial”. Dhurjati Guptaof BB Block, New Town, said he experienced a relaxed state of mindafter the programme.

Octogenarian Irani Dasgupta, a resident of Snehodiya, said: “Regular yoga classes are extremely beneficial for us. We can feel the effect of yoga after the class is over. This workshop has made me aware of many important facts.” Yuvika said they were called by hospitals and universities to conduct sound healing yoga.

“People are getting positive results and the recovery rate is higher. As a sound healer, my aim is to popularise this yoga therapy so that people benefit from this by improving their mental, spiritual and emotional health.”


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