I turn 62 today.
I drafted my obituary.
Inspired by Jeff Bezos, who writes the press release for every product that Amazon conceives.
Because, he says, you must start with the end in mind.
Life is lived prospectively, but planned retrospectively.
I wrote what the newspaper may write when I pass away.
How I seek to die will influence how I live.
Death influences my every major life decision.

I seek to be humble because I will be reduced to dust (that’s death).
I will deprecate my ‘wujood’ because I am but a speck in an audience of 8 billion (that’s death).
I refuse to hate because in the end it will not matter (that’s death).
I aspire to modesty because my wealth and I will be separated (that’s death).
I attempt to be frugal because I will be shrouded in cotton for centuries (that’s death).
I aspire to be generous because no hand baggage is allowed at the end (that’s death).
The question I ask myself: ‘How will you whisper to history?’
‘How’ as in process. ‘How’ as in method.
‘I have drawn out an unachievable goal. I would rather fail well than succeed easily. My large goal is ‘Kolkata.’ To transform it into one of the most wondrous cities of the world’
One, I have written my life vision. Drawn out my life purpose.
Two, the timeline for this life purpose is multi-decadal.
Three, I have drawn out an unachievable goal.
I would rather fail well than succeed easily.
My large goal is ‘Kolkata.’
To transform it into one of the most wondrous cities of the world.
‘Impossible.’ I have heard this time and again.
Because if my life purpose were achievable, I would be gunning low.
Because if my life purpose were achievable, I could become jobless someday (then what?).
‘What is the point of being in a race you will never complete?’
Answers. Someone will finish the race for me. Someone will make Kolkata one of the most wondrous cities of the world.
After I have gone.
My work will have been done. Whether I complete it or not.
Why make Kolkata one’s life purpose?
Because of its brand gap – rich pedigree, weak perception.
Because the breadth of scope will consume my lifetime.
Because the transformation will make the world better.
I tell myself, ‘I am responsible for everything that happens in the city.’
‘I ‘collect’ Kolkata causes. I crowd-fund causes. I celebrate causes. I (try to) transform causes into movements. I try to make Kolkata better one subject at a time.’
I ‘collect’ Kolkata causes. I crowd-fund causes. I celebrate causes. I (try to) transform causes into movements. I try to make Kolkata better one subject at a time.
I fund heritage preservation. I work with NGOs. I assist those enriching Kolkata. I write ‘Proud of you’ messages to Kolkata do-gooders. I write on Kolkata. I photograph Kolkata. I lift the veil on a Kolkata that people would have never known.
There is a discipline. To play for pride over profit. To dream unceasingly on ‘what can be’. To treat this work professionally. To aggregate competent resources. To stay low profile. To let the work speak. To build an office called ‘Everything positive about Kolkata.’
Just believe.

A collage of some the city's heritage buildings the author has been a part of lighting up
I am convinced: ‘I will make Kolkata the most fascinating night-time spectacle in South Asia.’
I will illuminate more than 500 heritage facades by 2030.
I will help provoke missions of responses: ‘Enough of the hyped cities. Why not fly to Kolkata for a vacation this time?’
My ‘fuel’ comes from the Urdu. Surprisingly.
The word ‘watan’. Kolkata is my watan. The word makes me emotional. Tells me ‘I own Kolkata.’
The Iqbal line: ‘Ho yun hi mere dum se mere watan ki zeenat.’
The ‘Betab’ (name of poet) line: ‘Maiñ to barzaḳh ke añdheroñ meñ jalā.ūñgā charāġh. Maiñ nahīñ vo ki jo maut aaī to mar jāūñgā.‘
Sixty two may be the youthfulness of old age.
But time is running out. And there is much to be done.
While something can still be done.