Letters of a long-lost love untarnished by time

Ajit Singh Dutta’s ‘My Father’s Ring: The Story of a Lost Romance’ goes on a quest for remains of a love that transcended boundaries

Aashera Sethi Published 02.12.23, 05:39 PM
Ajit Singh Dutta’s ‘My Father’s Ring: The Story of a Lost Romance’, published by Speaking Tiger Books in 2023

Ajit Singh Dutta’s ‘My Father’s Ring: The Story of a Lost Romance’, published by Speaking Tiger Books in 2023 Speaking Tiger Books

In Ajit Singh Dutta's My Father's Ring, we are invited into a world of profound emotion, cultural exploration, and the enduring power of storytelling. This beautifully crafted narrative takes us on a journey of self-discovery, offering readers a deeply personal and intimate look into the lives of a father and son. At its core, My Father's Ring is a rich tapestry woven with threads of family, identity, culture, and the haunting spectre of lost love. The story unfolds through shifting perspectives, primarily those of the son and the father, creating a multifaceted and immersive reading experience.

Central to the narrative is a mysterious romance that unfolds against a backdrop of cultural differences, family loyalties, and a transformative journey from the vibrant landscapes of India to the boundless opportunities of the United States. This remarkable journey is catalysed by a seemingly simple ring, adorned with a radiant ruby, which becomes a tangible connection to a long-lost love story between the author’s father Rajinder Singh, and the woman he loved, Louise. The book ingeniously utilises this tangible symbol as the gateway to a world of poignant memories and enduring love. What follows is a montage of the father’s life which shifts and moulds and takes shape as he travels from his small Indian hometown in Quetta, to the large intimidating anonymity of the United States of America.


The book reads like a travelogue, with vivid descriptions that paint a rich tapestry of changing landscapes, diverse cultures, and the fascinating individuals encountered during the protagonist's journey from India to the vibrant streets of San Francisco and beyond. Ajit Singh Dutta's evocative prose envelops readers in the sights, sounds, and aromas of each destination, evoking a sense of wanderlust and making it feel as though we, as readers, are on this captivating journey alongside the characters.

Sikhism, a faith deeply etched into Rajinder Singh’s life, laces the entirety of the novel. His unwavering adherence to his faith and cultural roots forms a powerful undercurrent within the narrative, making it informative without becoming evangelistic. The struggle to maintain his beliefs and heritage in the face of a foreign land resonates deeply with the immigrant experience, making My Father's Ring a poignant reflection of the relentless pursuit of the elusive but magnetising American dream.

The emotional core of the narrative is the author's seesawing emotions and mental state as he embarks on his quest to learn more about his father and the enigmatic Louise. His desire to uncover the past is juxtaposed with a sense of trepidation, as he grapples with the uncertainties of what he might unearth. This emotional rollercoaster adds a layer of complexity to the storytelling, making the author's journey all the more relatable and compelling. Furthermore, another angle in this narrative is the author's transformative discovery of his father's hidden layers. For so long, he had perceived his father as stoic, emotionless, a man of unwavering habit and principle — not very approachable. However, through the quest for Louise and her genealogical lineage, the author peels back the layers of his father's persona, revealing a many-layered man, challenging the author's preconceived notions, and adding a profound depth to their relationship.

The novel demonstrates the enduring power of storytelling in rediscovering the intricacies of our lives. The son's relentless quest to find Louise adds an emotionally charged layer to the narrative. Louise's cream-coloured letters serve as a powerful narrative thread, guiding us through a labyrinth of secrets and ultimately leading to the long-lost woman who holds the key to Rajinder's past.

The author's emotional journey, coupled with his newfound understanding of his father's complexity, adds a genuine and relatable depth to the story, resulting in a tale that is a mesmerising mixture of joy and heartache.

Buy the book here.

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