Menstrual TLC: A My Kolkata guide for comfort during periods

From pain roll ons to period panties, soothing tea to pamper kits — your one-scroll solution is right here!

Pooja Mitra Published 28.05.24, 07:43 PM
Pledge to share more informed and sensitised menstruation knowledge for a more evolved society

Pledge to share more informed and sensitised menstruation knowledge for a more evolved society Shutterstock (Representational image)

When it comes to period talk, we have come a long way — with increasing dialogues, conversations and awareness surrounding menstrual wellness products — be it in the form of ads, blogs or posts on social media. From breaking myths that women are “impure” during “that time of the month” to challenging patriarchal norms where men “cannot” buy menstrual products for women, the spectrum of sensitisation has expanded over the years. However, the mockery correlating mood swings and PMS, or the lack of understanding about creating a comfortable space during periods, still exists and the taboo related to menstruation has not been completely eradicated either.

On World Menstrual Hygiene Day, here’s a My Kolkata list of products and wellness goodies that might make the monthly experience a little more comfortable and help women feel more at ease during those days.


Pain-relief goodies:

Period pain relief goodies can offer some comfort during those days of the month

Period pain relief goodies can offer some comfort during those days of the month Shutterstock (Representational image)

Menstrual cramps and pelvic pain are common period woes. For some, the cramps are numbing, for others it is a discomfort. While there’s nothing we can do about pelvic pain, period pain relief goodies can offer some comfort during those days of the month.

Pain relief roll-on 

Ingredients like eucalyptus, lavender oil, clove oil and cinnamon make the pain relief roll-ons a good buy. They offer quick relief, are easy to carry and use, and work well on minimal to moderate cramps. One pointer while buying a pain relief roll on is to check if it is stain free and preferably, made with natural ingredients.

Here’s an option to try.

Heat patch 

A modified version of good old hot water bags, where you cannot carry the warm bags, heat patches come to the rescue. The patches emit bearable heat to the skin and can be attached to the underwear like putting on a band aid.

Here’s an option to try.

Period pain-relief device

A wireless portable machine, the period pain relief devices come with a charging wire and work on rechargeable batteries. They are lightweight and can be attached to the cramping area. You can adjust the heat to low, medium or high. Point to remember: Do read the user manual before using the device.

Here’s an option to try.

Intimate wear options:

The intimate wear options during menstruation are now quite a few to explore

The intimate wear options during menstruation are now quite a few to explore Shutterstock (Representational image)

Comfortable underwear is a must during menstruation. And if they are biodegradable, that is a big plus. From reusable panties to options that save you from using sanitary napkins, tampons or menstrual cups — the intimate wear options during menstruation are now quite a few to explore.

Reusable underwears

If you are travelling, are at work, or have outdoor chores where hygiene and comfort both have to be balanced — invest in reusable underwear. Carry a spare in your bag with your sanitary napkin, menstrual cup or tampon.

Here’s an option to try.

Period panties

Just like diapers, period panties are lightweight and can be worn with or without underwear

Just like diapers, period panties are lightweight and can be worn with or without underwear Shutterstock (Representational image)

If you have heavy flow and are worried about stains or you are in a place where changing your sanitary napkin frequently is a problem, you can try these period panties. They come in both disposable and non-disposable varieties. More like diapers, they are lightweight and can be worn with or without underwear — providing a much better solution.

Here’s an option to try.

Leakproof bikinis

Don’t want to use pads? Try leakproof bikinis. With higher absorption rate because of multiple layers, and also being environmentally friendly, these innerwears are gaining momentum among menstrual sanitary products. A leakproof bikini can last you for approximately two years, and you can wash them regularly. They are good for low and moderate flows.

Here’s an option to try.

Soothing sips

If you are experiencing cramps, period teas are a good choice due to their organic ingredients

If you are experiencing cramps, period teas are a good choice due to their organic ingredients Shutterstock (Representational image)

Keeping yourself warm during the period helps a lot. Period teas are a good choice due to their organic ingredients, soothing comfort, and benefits such as regulating flow and estrogen, as well as reducing cramps and inflammation. Since most of these products come in the form of tea bags, they are easy to carry too.

Here’s an option to try.

Period pamper kit

Gift yourself a period pamper kit with wellness products, which will lift your mood immediately

Gift yourself a period pamper kit with wellness products, which will lift your mood immediately

Those five days of nausea, pain, bleeding, back ache, fatigue call for some extra TLC. Gift yourself a period pamper kit with wellness products like body butter, hand cream, essential oils, pillow mist and a candle to make the surroundings smell good and lift your mood instantly

Here’s an option to try.

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