Weather forecast for Tuesday (10.12.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Tuesday are likely to be around 26°C and 16°C, respectively.
Mainly clear sky
Sunset: 4.53pm
Sunrise: 6.06am
Yesterday’s weather update (9.12.2024)
Maximum: 26.4°C (-1.4)
Minimum: 16.5°C (-0.1)
Rainfall: 0.8mm
Maximum: 82%
Minimum: 40%
Kolkata Traffic Police posted a list of programmes that might affect the city traffic on Tuesday (10.12.2024)
- 11am: Meeting at Esplanade crossing, Chittaranjan Avenue and Jawaharlal Nehru Road
- 1pm: Meeting at Shyambazar five-point crossing, Bhupen Bose Avenue
- 2pm: Meeting at Dorina crossing, Chittaranjan Avenue and Jawaharlal Nehru Road
KMC water supply
Water supply to the whole of north Kolkata, large parts of central Kolkata and pockets of south Kolkata will be stopped from 9am on December 16 instead of December 14. Supply will resume at 6am on December 17. Kolkata Municipal Corporation will undertake repair and maintenance at the Tallah pumping station and Palta Water Works.
Jadavpur University meet
The examination board of Jadavpur University will meet on Tuesday to decide whether the answer scripts of the first and second semesters of the journalism and mass communication programme will be re-examined. Students have been protesting alleging that the teachers marked them without evaluating the scripts.