Weather forecast for Monday (9.12.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Monday are likely to be around 26°C and 16°C, respectively.
Mainly clear sky
Sunset: 4.53pm
Sunrise: 6.06am
Yesterday’s weather update (8.12.2024)
Maximum: 26.3°C (-1.5)
Minimum: 15.7°C (-0.9)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 86%
Minimum: 41%
Till 11.20am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that might affect the city traffic on Monday (9.12.2024).
Chitrabani head dead
The director of the Jesuit media and communication centre, Chitrabani, Father P.J. Joseph, passed away on Saturday morning at a nursing home in central Calcutta. He was 62. As the director of Chitrabani, Father Joseph carried forward the legacy of its founder, late Father Gaston Roberge.
Father Joseph also held important offices at the Jesuit Generalate and at the Vatican Radio, Rome, for a number of years. His funeral service will be held at Prabhu Jishur Girja on Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road at 9am on Tuesday.