Weather forecast for Friday (13.12.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Friday are likely to be around 24°C and 13°C, respectively.
Mainly clear sky
Sunset: 4.54pm
Sunrise: 6.08am
Yesterday’s weather update (12.12.2024)
Maximum: 24.3°C (-2.7)
Minimum: 13.8°C (-2.3)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 89%
Minimum: 42%
Kolkata Traffic Police posted a list of programmes that may affect the city's traffic on Friday (13.12.2024) and posted another traffic notification for Sunday (15.12.2024)
- 1.30pm: Procession via College Street, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Vidyapati Setu and AJC Bose Road
East-West Metro
Metro services in the second phase of the east-west corridor (Green Line 2), operational between Esplanade and Howrah Maidan, will follow a revised schedule from Saturday. "From December 14, 114 trains will run every day between Monday and Saturday, instead of 150," said an official. The tweak is to "facilitate the construction work" between Esplanade and Sealdah, the only under-construction stretch of the corridor that will link Sector V and Howrah Maidan when ready.
Xavier’s convocation
St Xavier’s College will hold its convocation on January 16, 2025, said the principal, Father Dominic Savio. The chief guest for the event will be decided this week, he said.