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Mimi Chakraborty never celebrated V-Day!

The b’day girl shares her thoughts, creative process and a connect with Monica from friends!

Arindam Chatterjee Published 11.02.21, 12:15 AM
A moment from Tomar khola hawa

A moment from Tomar khola hawa Sourced by the correspondent

Happy birthday Mimi! What are your b’day plans?

This is the day I make plans to celebrate every moment. I have never shot for a film on my birthday, till now! I remember I was in an outdoor shoot of one of my films during my birthday week and I got an off on my birthday. I came down and cut a cake! For me, it’s a day when I relax and spend time with myself. It’s a day of reflection and introspection. Also, my friends come over and we have a small get-together. It makes me happy. And I wait for it every year.


When I was young people used to tell me that I cannot live on my own. But I have managed my life in a nice, organised way, which I am really proud of. Yes, I have a team, but I do many things on my own.

For every music video or photoshoot I do, I get into the creatives, do the sketches, write stories, ideate. Work has become so important for me.

I am happy with the way I am managing everything. I am an honest person, and I’ll always stand up for issues I believe in. I live a very simple life. It is not that I have my family beside me all the time or people with whom I can share all my feelings. Earlier I used to bottle up my feelings.

Have you ever been to a therapist?

Yes, when I was young. See, I have always tried to look after myself. I fend for myself, and be strong and independent.

Now, I share my feelings and thoughts with my very close friends. I derive strength from my work.

My mom has always told me to be grounded and work hard. I learnt the value of patience from my father. On occasions I do lose my cool also!


Because I have OCD. At home, everything has to be in the right place. If I don’t find it there, then I can lose my cool. Everything should be organised, clean. For example, the alignment of the sofa in my living room is in a certain way. It should stay like that!

What if you come back home one day and find the sofa in the other end of the room?

OMG! I can’t imagine it. It’s like I’m Monica from Friends!

So you prefer to have a sense of order and discipline at home...

I don’t like people who are indisciplined or are not on time. Also, I like people who are completely dedicated to their work.

Do you hold grudges if you have a fight with someone in your private life?

I forgive but I don’t forget. If I’m hurt, then I’ll remember. Probably someone has forgiven me also if I have done some mistake.

We know that you occasionally pen down your thoughts. Do you maintain a diary?

No. I am not a diary person. I don’t even know where I keep those pieces of paper. I just like to write down... it can be random thoughts. Or it can be about things which move me deeply. I write about my feelings. Or I might write about a person I met one day and the impression that person had on me. I write about news that disturbs me. It is not a regular thing... I write occasionally. And then I don’t hold on to the pages. I let them go. The writing acts as catharsis also.

You click pictures as well. What meaning does that have for you?

It is about capturing beauty. I like perfection in pictures. The images from the video that dropped yesterday came to me in a dream. From the pink colour palette to top angle, everything came to me in a dream... with the visual of confetti pouring down on me.

Will you move to direction?

Ichhey achhe, but it is too early to speak on this!

What are your V-Day plans?

I have never celebrated V-Day in my life! Because I believe you can celebrate love in every moment of your life. In school, I would get yellow and red roses and chocolates.

If I am in a relationship, I would want that person to be my guiding force. To be my support. He should be someone with whom I can let my guard down, with whom I can talk and share my feelings. If I fall down, I would like someone to hold my hand and assure me and say that it happens. And it’ll get better.

Actually I tell myself these things... and when I have a partner I would like my partner to tell me this... which is quite unreal. And it is not gonna happen (smiles)!

Your music video for Tomar khola hawa came out a few weeks ago....

The response has been heart-warming. There is a huge emotion attached with Rabindrasangeet. And whenever I wear a sari, people tell me that it reminds them of Pupe (Mimi’s character from the television serial Gaaner Oparey). I also had this desire to sing this song one day.

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