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Bonny and Koushani on their upcoming film Subho Bijoya

The duo in a candid interaction share their Durga Puja memories and marriage plans

Arindam Chatterjee Published 01.12.22, 12:17 AM

The film Subho Bijoya, which releases on December 2, is a story of a joint family. Over time, the extended family has become more and more fragmented. An incident forces the estranged family members to come together and relationships start to entwine. Kaushik and Churni Ganguly play the head of the family, Amartya and Bijoya. Holding the family together like glue are their older son and daughter-in-law, Aditya and Uma, played by Bonny and Koushani. A candid chat with the duo...

What’s your headspace on a Friday on the day of a film release?


Bonny: The pressure builds up as it gets closer to the release date. Nowadays there’s hardly any time to promote your film. So many films are releasing every Friday. In the past we used to go to colleges, schools, and would promote a film for a month. But now things are different. We got a really positive vibe while we were shooting the film. We are expecting a great response from the audience.

Koushani: The story of our film is set against the backdrop of Durga Puja. Many have asked us why we are releasing it now. We are all in search of good content that can attract the audience to the halls again. We know that our audiences love watching family dramas. So this is a safe genre. We wanted our film to stand out and not just become a part of a bunch of Puja releases. We wanted good show timings... which is why we took our time, and we are releasing it now.

Bonny: Earlier people used to wait for a film to hit the theatres. Now, there’s a bombardment of content. In the theatres and on OTT. Also, people know that a film will be up on a web platform within a few weeks of its release.

What’s your take on the thousands of comments on social media impacting the release of a film?

Bonny: I would request them to watch the film first and then give their comments. Many start judging the film from the announcement itself. I would request them to watch the film and then talk about it. Why do some paint a bleak picture for the audience much before the release of a film? Why pass on pre-conceived notions? Why create negative perceptions?

We have seen people on social media mocking and ridiculing film personalities. Some have trolled you as well. How do you deal with it?

Koushani: Let them say what they want. Whether a film works or not, we give our everything to a film. We don’t know how to change the mindset of people. This is a phase.

Bonny: There’s no point in giving them extra importance.

Koushani: But sometimes I feel like asking them, ‘What’s the problem? Why roast people?’

Bonny: I’ve replied to a few trolls, saying that I appreciate when they watch a film and then comment. Then I see them commenting on my personal life... and interestingly, that same person had sent me a ‘friend’ request. So I asked: ‘Are you getting personal because I didn’t accept your friend request?’. Then they go quiet.

Both of you have signed on quite a few films...

Koushani: During the lockdown we couldn’t do any work. 2020 and 2021 were bad for everyone. This year we have done a number of films together.

Bonny: If we sit back at home it is very depressing for us. We have to work.

Do you think of doing a quality check?

Koushani: Bonny as a hero needs to do a quality check. It is a male-driven industry. They are the ones who are chosen first. They are the ones who first appear on the poster or at the first look launch. A film gets announced without a proper star cast. I had not seen all this in 2015. There’s a strong reason why women from the industry are trying to get work in Bombay. I got a call from Bombay but since I was committed to another project I could not do it. But I am on talking terms. Of course, Bengali films made me who I am today. But I also want to work there. I want to explore other things. Sometimes women get replaced without any reason. I had done a look set for a film and then suddenly I found myself out of it. Imagine. And there are several reasons to it.

Bonny: We are now doing films where we play characters and are not just paired opposite each other.

Koushani: Bonny also needs to relax a bit... take it easy for a while.

Bonny: And people have been constantly asking us when are we getting married!

When are you getting married?

Bonny: We are planning to get married in 2024. What I am today is because of her.

Koushani: I can’t imagine my would-be not pampering me.

Bonny: Then the ‘would-be’ will soon become ‘could-have-been’. (Laughs)

Koushani: He shoots with so many co-actors, and I don’t question that. Sometimes when I call him, he says that he is busy and he’ll get back, and that call doesn’t come!

Who says sorry first?

Koushani: During the Subho Bijoya shoot, there was an incident between us and we were not talking on set for three days. Meanwhile, he hurt his foot one day, and everyone started showering him with attention and started looking after him. I observed everything from a distance. People were telling me to handle the situation with maturity. Everyone wanted us to be together and start talking again and be our usual selves. And when Bonny doesn’t say sorry on Day One, my anger starts to build. I thought about it for three days and then I said sorry to him but I told him that I am sorry for only one part and not the whole thing! The rest of the thing was his fault. Then he started pampering me once again; he gave me roses on set.

How do you deal with such fights when you shoot together?

Bonny: We only hear the word ‘action’, and we get into our characters. It never comes in the way of our shoot. If we hear anything about each other, we always talk it out.

Koushani: I never try to control or influence him.

What are your Durga Puja memories?

Koushani: I grew up in a joint family, so I can completely relate to it. Uma is a dream role for any actor. I have so many fond memories of pandal-hopping with family members. I used to win all the beauty contests. It was a big deal to be the volunteer of our para Puja. I’d get so many proposals!

Bonny: We still go out during Puja. We visit pandals.

Why is this film special for you?

Koushani: This film has so many actors, great characters... With Kaushikda and Churnidi and Kharajda (Mukherjee) in the film, people will have different levels of expectations.

Bonny: We have learnt a lot from them.

Koushani: My character Uma looks after everyone in the family. We play husband and wife in a film for the first time.

Bonny: The ensemble cast is very special.

Pictures: Rashbehari Das

Location courtesy: Loafer’s Cafe, Southern Avenue

Stylist: Sumit Sinha

Make-up: Pritam Das

Hair: Shadvika Debsharma

Outfits: House of Masaba, Dev r Nil

Jewellery: Zaza by Somya, Sara Jewellery

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