Tollywood filmmaker Arun Roy, best known for his critically acclaimed films Bagha Jatin (2023) and Hiralal (2021), died of a severe lung infection on Thursday morning after battling cancer for over a year, Dr. Kinjal Nanda of R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital, where Roy was undergoing treatment, said.
Roy, 56, had been admitted to the hospital recently due to worsening health conditions. He was in the ICU and supported by a BiPAP system. However, his condition deteriorated further in the past few days, necessitating invasive ventilation.
“Stay in peace my Hiralal, just like the original Hiralal,” Nanda posted on Facebook.
Roy’s mortal remains will be taken to his Haridevpur residence at 1pm, following which his body will be kept at Technicians’ Studio for his fans and colleagues to pay respect, Nanda added.
Actor Dev, who played the titular role in Bagha Jatin, visited the ailing director at the hospital recently. "We are deeply saddened to share the passing of our beloved director Arun Roy. A visionary filmmaker, his passion, creativity & dedication to storytelling will forever inspire us. His loss leaves an irreplaceable void in our hearts & in the world of cinema. Rest in peace, Arun Da," his production banner Dev Entertainment Ventures posted on social media.
Arun Roy, whose real name was Arunava Raychaudhuri, first shot to fame with his debut film Hiralal, which was widely appreciated for its compelling narrative and performances. The film featured Dr. Kinjal Nanda in the lead role.
Roy followed up his debut success with 8/12 Binoy Badal Dinesh (2022), further solidifying his reputation as a filmmaker who brought history and patriotism to life on the silver screen. However, his magnum opus was Bagha Jatin, a film that explored the life of the revolutionary Jatindranath Mukherjee, portrayed by Dev.
It was during the shooting of Bagha Jatin that Roy was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Despite the diagnosis, the director remained steadfast in his commitment to his work. He recently completed the filming of Aranyer Din Ratri while undergoing treatment.