Disney+Hotstar Friday dropped the teaser for Power of Paanch, a new fantasy-superhero show produced by Ektaa R Kapoor under the banner of Balaji Telefilms Ltd. Featuring an ensemble cast including Riva Arora, Aditya Raj Arora, Jaiveer Juneja, Bianca Arora, and Yash Sehgal, the upcoming series will debut on January 17.
The thirty-second teaser opens with a monologue by Riva Arora, known for her heart-wrenching cameo in URI: The Surgical Strike (2019). “Our world is made up of elements, like water, wind, fire, and earth. Now imagine that every element is found inside every individual,” the actress, who played the daughter of a martyred soldier in URI, is heard saying.
The teaser also gives us a brief glimpse into the fantasy world of Power of Paanch, where a group of friends discover the hidden powers of nature within them and figure out how to utilise these elemental powers to fight against unimaginable odds.
Sharing the teaser on X, Disney+Hotstar wrote, “New Superheroes on the block!
Elements come to life with #PowerOfPaanch Streaming from Jan 17.”
Power of Paanch also stars Urvashi Dholakia, Barkha Bisht, Tanvi Gadkari, Anubha Arora, Omar Kandhari, Sagar Dholakia, and Bhanuj Sood.