The 2022 Bengali blockbuster Projapati — featuring an ensemble cast including Mithun Chakraborty, Dev, Mamata Shankar and Koushani Mukherjee — is getting a sequel, Dev announced on Wednesday, sharing a picture with director Avijit Sen and presenter Atanu RayChaudhuri on X.
“Few untold stories of 2024 will be told in 2025… Super happy to announce our next…. Projapati 2,” the actor captioned his post.
Projapati marked Mithun Chakraborty and Mamata Shankar’s reunion after 46 years since the 1976 Mrinal Sen directorial Mrigaya.
Projapati follows widower Gaur Chakraborty (Mithun), who lives with his son Joy (Dev), a wedding planner. Gaur wants Joy to get married to the daughter of his friend, but the latter has someone else in mind. This disagreement causes a rift in the father-son relationship, which forms the crux of the film.
Released theatrically on December 23, 2022, Projapati earned over Rs 13 crore, thereby emerging as the highest grossing Bengali film of the year.
Currently, details about the cast, plot and release date of Projapati 2 have been kept under wraps. The sequel is likely to hit screens later this year.
Meanwhile, Dev is also gearing up for Dhrubo Banerjee’s historical drama Raghu Dakat, set to release on Durga Puja this year.