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Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen backs peace for Myanmar

Some other Asean countries have expressed frustration at the junta’s failure to implement the peace deal

Reuters Phnom Penh Published 07.01.22, 03:19 AM
Representational image.

Representational image. File photo.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has pledged renewed support for a Myanmar peace plan and urged an end to violence ahead of a trip to the country that will include talks with military leaders.

His visit from Friday will be the first by a head of government to Myanmar since the army overthrew the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi on February 1 last year, sparking months of protests and a bloody crackdown.


Cambodia is current chair of Asean, which has been leading diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis and which adopted a five-point “consensus” peace plan in April.

Some other Asean countries have expressed frustration at the junta’s failure to implement the peace deal. In Myanmar, opponents of the military rulers have said Hun Sen is backing them by making the trip.

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