Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh on Monday said the attack on students at the JNU was a payback for the Left Front’s violent politics at educational institutions and asked chief minister Mamata Banerjee to stop shedding “crocodile tears” over the Sunday incident.
“Violence in student politics and educational institution are the Left’s gift…. Now, the Left groups are getting paid back, as scores are being settled,” he said.
Ghosh wondered why he was not able to see similar outrage when junior Union minister Babul Supriyo was allegedly attacked in Jadavpur University. “She (Mamata) should stop shedding crocodile tears for the JNU. Where was she when our Union minister was being physically assaulted in Jadavpur?” he asked .
“For petty politics, she is sending a delegation to the JNU. Why didn’t she send a delegation to colleges ransacked by her party’s students’ wing in eight years?” Ghosh asked.