Police personnel reporting at Bidhannagar South police station have got a new barrack to rest at after the day’s work and a newly cleaned out field on which to play and stay active between long hours.
Both were unveiled by minister and local MLA Sujit Bose on January 3, amid the rains. “I’m happy to see the facilities of this thana improving. The police, who protect us round the year, deserve a healthy working environment. Now that they have a field in their backyard, I want them to play and stay active,” said Bose.
Due to the rains, Bose could not walk around the campus to visit the new facilities but he declared them open from under a shelter. Also present were police commissioner L.N. Meena and several councillors of the corporation.
Before this, the first floor of the police station was being used as a barrack but the new hall, on the ground floor, can house 20 people. “Those of us who live far away cannot go home after duty hours every day. The new barrack looks spacious and we can rest here now,” said an officer.
The field behind the building used to be a dumpyard of seized cars till it was cleaned up some weeks ago. “Our work is so stressful that we need such an outlet. We will now be able to exercise, parade and play football here. The ground has floodlights so we can play in the evening too,” said another officer. They also have a badminton court in the front yard.
A ladies toilet complex was also opened. “We have women officers, civic policewomen, female arrestees and visitors so there was a need to have a toilet for them,” said an officer.