On this day, the newspaper Amrita Bazar Patrika, published from Calcutta, carried this advertisement of Mritasanjibani, a tonic revered in Bengali homes for its invigorating and restorative capacities.
It said:
“Sakti’s Mritasanjibani Sura.
It is the best Ayurvedic Tonic that increases the power of digestion wonderfully and cures all disorders of the digestive system and liver troubles.
“It is highly efficacious in all diseases of nervous breakdown, nervous debility and nervous prostration. May be used most profitably by the convalescent after protracted illness and dangerous diseases. It acts like magic in all diseases after child-birth and quickly restores health and energy to the nursing mothers.”
The manufacturer was Mathur Babu’s Sakti Oushadhalaya, Dacca..
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