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Nilanjana Chatterjee: Saviour on road to recovery

She is responding very well to doctor’s instructions and they are satisfied with the way her wound is healing

Subhajoy Roy, Monalisa Chaudhuri Calcutta Published 11.09.20, 02:45 AM
Nilanjana Chatterjee, who suffered fractures in her left leg while trying to save a woman who was screaming  in a car on Saturday night near the Ruby crossing, was able to walk again on Thursday, albeit with the help of a walker.

Nilanjana Chatterjee, who suffered fractures in her left leg while trying to save a woman who was screaming in a car on Saturday night near the Ruby crossing, was able to walk again on Thursday, albeit with the help of a walker. Sourced by The Telegraph

Nilanjana Chatterjee, who suffered fractures in her left leg while trying to save a woman who was screaming in a car on Saturday night near the Ruby crossing, was able to walk again on Thursday, albeit with the help of a walker. She walked twice during the day in her cabin, said an official of Ruby General Hospital, where the 48-year-old woman is undergoing treatment.

“She responded very well to doctor’s instructions. Doctors are satisfied with the way her wound is healing,” the official said.


She will be made to walk in her cabin on Friday, too. If the progress is satisfactory, doctors will try to make her walk in the corridor on Saturday.

“If everything goes according to plan, we may discharge her on Sunday,” the official said.

Nilanjana was returning home with her husband in their car when she heard screams of a woman inside another car. Her husband stopped their car blocking the way of the other car, a Honda City. The woman, who was screaming, was then allegedly thrown out of the car.

When Nilanjana reached out to the woman, the man at the wheel of the Honda City, identified as Abhishek Kumar Pandey, pressed the accelerator and fled. The car ran over Nilanjana’s left leg. She suffered fractures in the tibia and fibula of her left leg.

Pandey has been arrested.

The woman who was allegedly beaten and thrown off the Honda City got her statement recorded before a magistrate in the Alipore court on Thursday.

The statement can be considered as primary evidence in court as it has been recorded under Section 164 of the CrPC.

Nilanjana’s husband Deep Satpati, who was a witness to the incident, also got his statement recorded before the magistrate on Thursday.

The police carried out a reconstruction of Saturday night’s incident by taking the accused with them to the spot on Wednesday night.

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