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A Covid-proof award ceremony

The prize distribution of the 15th edition of The Telegraph Salt Lake Super Souvenir contest took place where social distancing could be maintained and public gathering could be avoided — right at the doorstep of each winner. Congratulations to all of you once more

Our Bureau Salt Lake Published 15.01.21, 02:26 AM
The Telegraph Salt Lake Super Souvenir 2019

The Telegraph Salt Lake Super Souvenir 2019 Sourced by the correspondent

The Telegraph Salt Lake Super Souvenir 2019

Salt Lake FE Block Residents Association


Yet again our block souvenir was adjudged the winner in The Telegraph Salt Lake Super Souvenir contest. We are happy, proud and honoured. We have received this award earlier too and every time it inspires us to bring out an even better souvenir next time. We are grateful to The Telegraph Salt Lake for inspiring literature at the local level. Over the last few years, the number of entries to the souvenir has been on the rise. Not just the elderly, even youngsters are coming forward to submit write-ups and drawings. Our neighbours who are residing abroad send their submissions with equal enthusiasm. Inspired by our president Gautam Roy and secretary Kallol Dutta, we gave out mementoes to our young contributors.

This year, we also brought out our e-souvenir on a mobile app and the making of the e-souvenir was captured in an audio-visual form. We are sure that getting the overall super souvenir award and the individual prizes for several contributors will boost our enthusiasm.

The Telegraph Salt Lake has cultivated a new culture through their souvenir contest.

— Krishnendu Mukhopadhyay, Convenor and editor, Salt Lake FE Block Souvenir Sub Committee

Gora Roy, Secretary, Salt Lake CF Block Residents’ Association

Gora Roy, Secretary, Salt Lake CF Block Residents’ Association Sourced by the correspondent

Best Editorial

Winner: Gora Roy, Secretary, Salt Lake CF Block Residents’ Association

It is a great privilege to have our editorial, based on the theme of pollution and showcased in our Durga Puja 2019 souvenir, be acknowledged as the best. I accept this award on behalf of the souvenir sub-committee members and every resident of our block with gratitude. Winning this award would not have been possible without the support of the entire governing body of our residents’ association. Due to the pandemic, we were forced to curtail the budget of Puja 2020 and decided not to publish the souvenir for the year 2020. But we look forward to winning more such awards for our block in the days to come.

Iswar Mukherjee, Purba Samabay Abasan (Cluster XIII, Purbachal)

Iswar Mukherjee, Purba Samabay Abasan (Cluster XIII, Purbachal) Sourced by the correspondent

Special mention

Iswar Mukherjee, Purba Samabay Abasan (Cluster XIII, Purbachal)

Many thanks to The Telegraph Salt Lake. A mention of my editorial article in this widely circulated weekly has made our efforts in organising the puja more meaningful. This time, however, traditions like community lunch and cultural programme remained a pipe dream during the festive days. We held the puja differently in a Covid-afflicted world. There were small initiatives to share the joys and sorrows and counter the pandemic like distribution of clothes among the Durgas in distress.

I hope you will continue to inspire our efforts in future. We are always loyal readers of The Telegraph Salt Lake. We wish this weekly newspaper further improvement and spread.

Satyaban Roy, New Town AA1B Sarbojonin Durgotsab

Satyaban Roy, New Town AA1B Sarbojonin Durgotsab Sourced by the correspondent

Special Mention

Satyaban Roy, New Town AA1B Sarbojonin Durgotsab

I do not have words to acknowledge the tribute received in the form of Special Mention for excelling in the Editorial category. Even in the unforeseen virus-stricken situation, The Telegraph Salt Lake has done its best to continue its endeavour to inspire the cultivation of art and literature among residents through Puja souvenirs. My wholehearted gratitude to the editorial team on behalf of New Town AA1B Sarbojonin Durgotsab platform.

With profound regret, we announce that we could not publish the Puja souvenir for 2020.

 Shampa Aich, President, Sarbojonin Dugotsav Committee, BE (West)

Shampa Aich, President, Sarbojonin Dugotsav Committee, BE (West) Sourced by the correspondent

Early Bird

BE (West)

It is indeed a great honour to receive this award on behalf of our Puja committee for 2019. I thank the entire editorial team, along with Alok De and

Susobhan Roy, whose consistent effort has made receiving this award almost into a habit every year. Due to early preparations, the quality of articles and advertisements is never compromised while delivering the souvenir early to your office. Thanks to The Telegraph Salt Lake once again.

Shampa Aich, President, Sarbojonin Dugotsav Committee, BE (West)

Best travelogue


Susmita Bhaduri, Sanjeeva Town Bungalow Estate

I had written an account of the daring North Pole adventure by me and my husband in the last puja souvenir. I had no expectation that the article would get recognition this time as well. I am floored by this delightful surprise. My gratitude to The Telegraph Salt Lake that you found my tell-tale travelogue worthy of a prize. After getting the award for the third time, I am beginning to get a feel of being an author!

Sekhar Basu, JC Block

Sekhar Basu, JC Block Sourced by the correspondent

Special Mention

Sekhar Basu, JC Block

Visiting Magic Castle in Hollywood, for me, was a wonderful experience. The castle is over half a
century old, and the atmosphere there is reminiscent of classic night club days. It’s a clubhouse for magicians and magic enthusiasts. Only members and their guests are allowed entrance. My son Shamik, a resident of Los Angles, and I spent half a night there as guests. There are many small stages for magic shows. At their numerous bars, both bar-tenders and customers are magicians. They play tricks with cards while sipping on a drink. The shows go on all night. My write-up in the JC Block puja committee’s souvenir was all about this experience. Thanks to The Telegraph Salt Lake for selecting it for a Special Mention.

Indrani Bhattacharya, Member, DL Block souvenir sub committee

Indrani Bhattacharya, Member, DL Block souvenir sub committee Sourced by the correspondent

Best cover

Winner, DL Block Residents’ Association

The October 2 edition of The Telegraph Salt Lake landed with “Best of Puja Writings” on the cover page. We were thrilled to learn that the DL Block souvenir had been selected as the winner in the Best Cover category. Our hearts were filled with pride. More so, as the cover illustration was done by me. Sreya Ghosh, the souvenir sub-committee convenor, had inspired me to draw the cover. I wanted to draw the entire family of Ma Durga. Sreya agreed and suggested that I draw the mounts of the gods bigger than the gods themselves. These days, animals show more humanity than humans, she pointed out. The idea appealed to me.

This year, DL Block is not bringing out the souvenir because of the pandemic. We are really sad. Let us remain hopeful for a positive future. May 2021 be much brighter.

Indrani Bhattacharya, Member, DL Block souvenir sub committee

Salt Lake BE (East) Puja Committee

Salt Lake BE (East) Puja Committee Sourced by the correspondent

Special Mention

Salt Lake BE (East) Puja Committee

A special thanks to The Telegraph Salt Lake for their commendable work in scouting for new talent in the field of arts and literature every year since the inception of the Super Souvenir contest. The way you have organised the prize distribution ceremony this year in Covid-19 pandemic situation is also noteworthy.

Our Puja souvenir for 2020 has also been published. Amid this pandemic, for the first time in our puja history, our lady members had organised the puja. There was no theme or community lunch. Instead, there was a traditional idol and simple spacious mandap, decorated with alpona within low budget. But that did not rob us of the enjoyment. All puja rituals were held properly under strict Covid-19 protocol, which was appreciated by all the residents of our block.

Narottam Dutta, convenor

BL Block Durgotsab Committee

BL Block Durgotsab Committee Sourced by the correspondent

Special Mention

BL Block Durgotsab Committee

The award for the cover page design of BL Block Durga puja Souvenir 2019 has enthused all of us associated with the printing and design of the souvenir cover. It encouraged us to do even better next year.

While receiving the award at home, we were reminded of the ceremony arranged by The Telegraph Salt Lake in the previous years to hand over such prizes. We missed the occasion this year for the pandemic. Even though they had to expectedly avoid the social gathering, The Telegraph Salt Lake continues to motivate Puja organisers in this difficult year for their hard work on souvenirs.

Unfortunately, we cannot participate in the contest this year, as the puja committee has decided not to publish the souvenir. We scaled down other aspects of our puja as well. There was no community lunch, breaking a tradition of 30-odd years. The cultural programme, which is another highlight, was organised virtually. Even pushpanjali was arranged through Facebook Live to facilitate elderly people to participate.

We hope that normalcy will return over time and The Telegraph Salt Lake will arrange such events again in future.

— S.K. Mallik, member, BL Block souvenir sub committee

Tandra Goswami, FE Block

Tandra Goswami, FE Block Sourced by the correspondent

Best memoir

Winner: Tandra Goswami, FE Block

A piece on my childhood reminiscences got published in our FE Block puja souvenir 2019, titled Amar Chhotobelar Saatkahon. One fine day, I learnt that my article had been selected a winner in the judgement of The Telegraph Salt Lake team. And that our block souvenir had been adjudged the best. Joy, happiness and gratitude — all emotions fuse together. This encouragement will inspire me to write better articles. Thank you, The Telegraph Salt Lake, for this priceless award.

Rita Das, BE Block

Rita Das, BE Block Sourced by the correspondent

Special mention

Rita Das, BE Block

A puja souvenir is the only platform where amateur writers like us can showcase our talent. From the very beginning of the year, we start thinking what to write for the year’s Puja souvenir and after submitting the write-up, we wait for the result, like in our student days. An award obviously gives us pleasure and at the same time we get a chance to measure our writing skill against that of others. The Telegraph Salt Lake has been giving us this chance for the last 15 years. This time, the whole world is tired of Covid-19 and all of a sudden everything stopped. But The Telegraph Salt Lake has continued its Super Souvenir journey. The prize-giving ceremony could not be held but the certificates have been sent to every winner. The initiative must be appreciated.

Biva Roy Chowdhury, FE Block

Biva Roy Chowdhury, FE Block Sourced by the correspondent

Best fiction

Winner: Biva Roy Chowdhury, FE Block

My heartiest respect and good wishes to The Telegraph Salt Lake, especially those who chose my article. I have been selected for prizes on five earlier occasions on this platform. This small-time writer has been publishing her articles here and there since college life; some won prizes too. Once even the great author Sibram Chakraborty had congratulated me. But the award from The Telegraph Salt Lake — six times in all — is a priceless achievement in my life. This comes like a flash of lightning in a sky lit up by a setting sun. My gratitude for being supportive of literature despite the rotting, odorous, directionless circumstance all around today and the all-encompassing wave of the coronavirus.

A lot of good wishes to FE Block too. May our block prosper and find inspired pathways to progress.

Kumkum Chattopadhyay, East Enclave, New Town

Kumkum Chattopadhyay, East Enclave, New Town Sourced by the correspondent

Special Mention

Kumkum Chattopadhyay, East Enclave, New Town

It is a great honour to get The Telegraph Salt Lake Super Souvenir award when we are confined at home due to the situation created by Covid-19. This obviously proves the sincerity of the organisers. Yet, it is true that we are missing the flavour and pleasure of an award ceremony. This award definitely inspires me, so I want to convey my gratitude to The Telegraph Salt Lake. I hope that we will be able to enjoy the next award distribution like in the previous years. On this occasion, I also want to congratulate the other prize winners.

Sarbani Banerjee, East Enclave, New Town

Sarbani Banerjee, East Enclave, New Town

Best poetry

Winner: Sarbani Banerjee, East Enclave, New Town

It is a great privilege and pleasure to be an awardee of the prestigious The Telegraph Salt Lake Super Souvenir contest. If not for this warm and welcoming platform, I would have remained a closet poet. While my poems catch on the colours of my imagination, The Telegraph Salt Lake lends them the wings to fly. With all the kind appreciation I have received so far, my poems soar higher and happier in the sky of my thoughts. The Telegraph Salt Lake has partnered the toddler walk of my journey as a poet, and there has been no stopping after that. Thanks for discovering a hitherto unknown facet in me!

Asim Das, East Enclave, New Town

Asim Das, East Enclave, New Town Sourced by the correspondent

Special Mention

Asim Das, East Enclave, New Town

I am delighted to have received the certificate in the poetry category. I had started writing in my school days. That passion remained despite taking up science. My short stories, essays and poems have been published in magazines. Now they have found readers across the world thanks to the reach of social media. I get to attend various poetry conventions. I have been enriched by getting access to eminent poets and litterateurs. I have two books of poems to my credit. There is no joy like the joy of creation. I want to spend my remaining days in the cradle of this joy. I am thrilled to have received this encouragement. I will keep writing as long as I can.

Purba Kar, CD Block, New Town

Purba Kar, CD Block, New Town Sourced by the correspondent

Special Mention

Purba Kar, CD Block, New Town

Getting a prize is always a delight, more so if it is for one’s passion. I write since my childhood but not till my middle ages did I see my work get published. Last year, a collection of my stories came out in the Book Fair and then my poem was printed in our block souvenir. But when my name was printed in The Telegraph Salt Lake it seemed I had managed to reach out to a wider audience. It filled my heart with delight and self-confidence. I got congratulatory messages from neighbours in my block and from across New Town. I cannot express how much inspiration this recognition gives me.

Saptarshi Chowdhury, CD Block, New Town

Saptarshi Chowdhury, CD Block, New Town Sourced by the correspondent

Best essay

Winner: Saptarshi Chowdhury, CD Block, New Town

I have been studying the history of Calcutta for two years out of an emotion for the city. The subject attracts me and has paved the way to a book titled Ka e Kolkata, Sohorer Oli Golir Golpo. Mess Bari and Baithakkhana Bazaar are two institutions of colonial Calcutta that found centrestage in my essay in our puja souvenir. Thank you, The Telegraph Salt Lake. This recognition will inspire me to write more on our city’s history in the coming years.

Sonali Roy, BE Block

Sonali Roy, BE Block Sourced by the correspondent

Special mention

Sonali Roy, BE Block

Increasing enthusiasm for cooking is noticeable all around as is the entry of foreign dishes in Bengali kitchens. But I cannot ignore the mid-day meals and the cooking on the pavements. The two opposing pictures worry me. My article in our 2019 Puja souvenir, titled Swad O Sadhyo, was on this. Let the middle class live out its cooking fantasies but let the underprivileged have access to two square meals. I consider cooking an art and am cooking since youth. I am happy that the judges appreciated my viewpoint.

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