While thinking about Binodini Dasi and her remarkable autobiography, it occurs to me to wonder about how far India has advanced in terms of accepting women traditionally described as 'fallen'
JAYANTA SENGUPTAOne reason for China's strides in research is the reversal of its brain drain. Indians have replaced the Chinese as the largest group of foreign students in the US. It's a gulf too far to bridge
NEHA SAHAYThe scars of colonialism and Partition are integral to understanding India’s complex history. These scars serve as reminders of the violence and the exploitation that shaped the nation
ANJANA MENONFor all their brave posturing, European politicians know they lack the military heft to save Ukraine from Russia. They hope that Trump will reconsider his withdrawal of military aid
RAMACHANDRA GUHAThe world is witnessing the greatest biodiversity loss in history, preserving the millions of threatened creatures that actually exist should be the priority instead of playing Victor Frankenstein
THE EDITORIAL BOARDThe festival lineup also includes 19 other films including ‘Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak’, ‘Dil’, ‘Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar’ and ‘Raja Hindustani’