Sanjay Roy, a Kolkata Police civic volunteer convicted for the horrific rape and murder of a trainee doctor while on duty, at her workplace, Calcutta's state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, was sentenced to rigorous life imprisonment till death. He escaped the noose because Judge Anirban Das of a Calcutta court did not consider his crime the 'rarest of rare', reserved for capital punishment in India, opposing the CBI lawyer who pleaded death penalty.
Life sentence in the case sparked a gamut of negative reactions among doctors, activists and politicians who have held protest after protest since the trainee doctor's brutalised body was discover in a seminar room in the hospital on August 9, 2024.
In the long history of brutality inflicted by men upon women, some cases stand out and become part of a nation’s conscience. RG Kar is one of them...
Video producer: Shohini Bose
Video editor: Abhishek Sharma