Over 1.60 crore devotees took the holy dip, or Shahi Snan, at the Sangam in Allahabad between 4am and noon on Makar Sankranti on Tuesday, officially kicking off the Mahakumbh — one of the biggest religious spectacles in the world.
Flashing tridents, spears and swords and blowing conch shells and tutari (a trumpet-like instrument), Naga sadhus led the processions of their respective akharas, which were the first to take the blessings of the Ganga in what is also known as the Amrit Snan.
The river water is believed to turn into an elixir on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, Mauni Amavashya andBasant Panchami, attracting millions of pilgrims from across the world.
The first group to take the holy dip was the Naga sadhus belonging to the Sri Panchayati Mahanirvani and Sri Shambu Panchayati Atak akharas. They were followed by the Sri Taponidhi Panchayati-Niranjani, Sri Panchayati Anand, Sri Panchdashnam Juna, Sri Panch Dashnam Awahan and Sri Panchagni akharas.
Next in line were the Sri Panch Nirvani Ani, Sri Digambar Ani, Sri Nirmohi Ani, Udasin Sri Panchayati Naya, Sri Panchayati Udasin Nirvana and Sri Panchayati Nirmal Ani akharas.
Flower petals were showered on the sadhus from helicopters.
It is believed that Adi Shankaracharya founded several akharas in the 8th century AD, but several historians claim that they were founded during medieval times and gradually evolved into communities of martial monks to protect the Sanatan Dharma.
Keeping the Naga sadhus, known for their mercurial temper, in check is always a challenge for the administration. They roam around naked, keep their hair long and matted, smear ash on their body and guard their respective akharas roundthe clock.
Clad in saffron clothes, a middle-aged man was spotted sitting in an isolated corner in the mela area and poring over a copy with several lunar and solar alignments etched in it. He identified himself as Abhay Singh alias Masani Gorakh Baba from Haryana.
“I graduated in aerospace engineering from IIT Mumbai and then taught in a coaching institute for one year. Thereafter, I joined a design course at IIT Mumbai. After that, I dabbled in photography. But something was lacking in my life. I started roaming around aimlessly till I reached Dharamshala where I realised I didn’t even know how to cook. Someone told me there that the smaller things in life are more important than the bigger things. Recently, I went to Rishikesh and Varanasi. I am at the Mahakumbh till February 26,” he said.
On where he gets the money to survive, Gorakh said: “It is not difficult to survive if you don’t have any desire. I can still do a joband make money but that is not fulfilling.”
A 38-year-old self-styled godman clad in yellow from Bihar said he became a sadhu after failing to find a life partner. “I was looking for a life partner but failed. So I became a sadhu. But love is pure and I can still marry someone if I fall in love,” he told reporters on the condition of anonymity.
Nakhun Baba, 40, who has long nails on his hands and legs, said he had taken sanyas 10 years ago because he didn’t like the worldly life. Quick to anger, Nakhun Baba had attacked a YouTuber on Monday for making his video and asking why his nails were so long.
“Nails grow naturally. He is an idiot. He should have asked me why I didn’t cut them,” the sadhu said.
Several Hindu groupsand Hindutva outfits have sprung into action to cashin on the euphoria aroundthe Mahakumbh.
The little-known Hindu Jan Jagriti Samiti has convened a meeting of like-minded people and sadhus in the mela area on Wednesday to discuss how India can be converted into a Hindu nation.
Vishwanath Kulkarni, a leader of the samiti, claimed that the group didn’t have any political leanings. “We have been struggling for a long time to make India a Hindu Rashtra. Chief minister Yogi Adityanath has honoured us in the past for our work. We have convened a meeting in the mela area on Wednesday to hash out a strategy to make India a Hindu Rashtra,” he told The Telegraph.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the All India Akhara Parishad have also lined up similar meetings.
“The people from across the world have gathered here and so it is the right timeand place for us to raise this issue,” said Akhilanand Maharaj, a sadhu camping in the mela area.
The next Shahi Snan will be held on Mauni Amavashya on January 29.
The Mahakumbh, which will continue till February 26, is being held after 12 years though seers claim thecelestial permutations and combinations for the event are taking place after 144 years, making the occasion even more auspicious.