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NoScope Gaming launches university esports venture - NSG Arena

ABP Digital Brand Studio Published 11.02.23, 10:11 AM
NSG ARENA – an esports

NSG ARENA – an esports

India’s oldest cultural festival - IIT Kharagpur’s Spring Fest 2023 has played host to the inauguration of NSG ARENA in East India. NSG Arena is a state of the art esports arena which will host national esports university championships covering all modules of esports & gaming - LAN, Console, VR and Mobile Gaming. NSG Arena is an intellectual property of NoScope Gaming, and a product of their mission of developing esports culture in universities. Their aim is to partner and collaborate with top universities across the country to foster an esports culture among students through esports education, training facilities & establishing infrastructure in universities for their esports athletes. Speaking about the initiative, Mr. Deepesh Solanki, Director NoScope Gaming said, “Our mission is to bring university esports in India to the global map, for that we are bringing international presence to India to develop esports culture in schools, colleges & universities...”.

The three day esports extravaganza at IIT Kharagpur witnessed more than 600 esports participants as well as a footfall over 1500-2000 spectators. The arena structure was constructed in different zones having respective stations for LAN, Console & VR Gaming both for competitive esports & experience modes along with NoScope Gaming Community booths having esports. The arena saw visitors of all ages - from university and school students to parents.

The competition saw eliminators of the esports championships which were followed by the grand finals on the final day of the event. NSG Arena also arranged a pro nite on the final day of the event, featuring a performance by popular hip-hop act - Rajasthani Hip-Hop Cypher from Jaipur. This was followed by the official launch of the esports partnership between NoScope Gaming & IIT Kharagpur. After the partnership launch were held the finals where teams and athletes from IIT Kharagpur bagged top honours. The NSG Arena at IIT Kharagpur was a massive success with a plethora of student participation which set the benchmark, creating the perfect setting for expansion.

In the next 18 months NSG is scheduled to program about 10-12 NSG Arenas by collaborating with top universities & cultural festivals in India with the aim of bringing the ultimate esports & gaming experience to the student gamers, enthusiasts in universities along with a full fulling atmosphere for the spectators. NSG is bringing international presence in this mission of establishing competitive esports in universities & developing esports culture among students, teachers & parents.

NSG is also providing international training facilities & training to professional esports athletes in need of assistance & support with the aim making them the best in their craft.

NSG also launched the campus ambassador program in July 2022, which has been a huge success, with a large number of students from across universities in India applying for it. The selected candidates get professionally trained and given real time industry experiences at NSG’s IP events like - NSG Yuddha, NSG Esports & Gaming EXPO & NSG Arena.

“India has the potential to dominate esports, however acceptance is key. In order to develop esports culture in India, you need to establish a very strong foundation at the grassroots and that’s our top priority. We are bringing international expertise to provide the best possible infrastructure for university esports because we are trusting the process of building superstars of tomorrow who will make the entire nation proud, assuring it’s in good hands when it comes to esports dominance worldwide,” says Abhinandan Mukherjee, Project Head, NoScope Gaming

About NoScope Gaming

NoScope Gaming seeks to revolutionize esports in universities in India while creating a base for esports athletes to succeed in their endeavors. The platform stands out for its dedication to bringing young gamers, communities, and athletes together from all universities into a network that can unite participants across the country under one umbrella, starting from the grass-root level to help them achieve the recognition they truly deserve. University esports is a form of competitive sports in the west that has proved to be a very crucial aspect when it comes to the development of the esports athletes & students who wish to make a career in the esports ecosystem. NoScope Gaming is introducing that for the first time in India with the vision of making university esports a huge success & bring it to the global map.

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