While Alia Bhatt, Sharvari Wagh, Sonam Kapoor and Ananya Panday exuded grace in black outfits, Deepika Padukone stunned in white as she walked the ramp for the first time since the birth of her daughter at Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s anniversary gala on Saturday. Here’s a look at who wore what to the event that celebrated 25 years of the couturier in the fashion industry.
Deepika Padukone opened the show, walking alongside American fashion model Christy Turlington Burns. She looked gorgeous in an all-white ensemble — a peplum top worn with flared pants and a trench coat. Black rubber gloves, matching boots, a statement headpiece and chic glasses complemented her outfit. The Fighter actress opted for golden hoops and necklaces to complete her look.
Alia Bhatt exuded grace in a solid black sari draped over a sleeveless sequined blouse. The actress’s look was a lesson in minimalism. Alia ditched heavy accessories opting only for statement danglers and a few ornate finger rings. The Jigra star kept her makeup subtle, rounding off her look with a neat bun and a black bindi.
Alia’s Alpha co-star Sharvari followed in her footsteps, draping a black sari over an intricately embroidered blouse. Zari designs adorned the sari and the sleeves of the collared blouse. Sharvari accessorised her outfit with danglers. Winged eyeliner and nude lips added a touch of understated sophistication to the ensemble.
Ananya Panday styled a black baggy tunic with matching stockings and stiletto pumps. Hair loosely clutched at the back and dewy makeup enhanced the actress’s glamour quotient.
Sonam Kapoor also joined the actresses in black. She paired a black dress with a voluminous cape featuring black plumes. Sleek, straight hair, smokey eyes and stiletto pumps perfectly complemented her ensemble.
Rani Mukerji’s classic black bodycon dress made for a killer outfit. The actress completed her look with a pair of high heels and a dainty clutch.
Bipasha Basu flaunted her impeccable style in a black sari with golden zari borders. The actress opted for a full-sleeved blouse and a statement clutch from Sabyasachi to accentuate her look. Heavy bejewelled danglers enhanced her ensemble, while vibrant red lips and red roses, tucked into a sleek bun, added a touch of drama.
Sobhita Dhulipala’s unique tiger-stripe dress was a nod to the fashion label’s iconic logo. Golden studs, kohl-rimmed eyes and a messy hairdo completed the actress’s look.