Bengal bowled out Bihar for 255 on the opening day of their three-day Cooch Behar Trophy tie at Eden Gardens on Wednesday. Manoj Tiwari took four for 70. Bihar’s Rohit Kumar Singh top-scored with an unbeaten 67. Sikander Hayat made 52.
BRIEF SCORES: Bihar 255 (Rohit Kumar Singh 67 n.o., Sikander Hayat 52, Manoj Tewari 4/70). Bengal to bat.
IBP will meet CESC A in the Main Plate final of the IBP Merchants’ Cup tennis competition at South Club. BPCL will face Tata Steel A in the Loser’s Plate final. IBP beat ITA A 2-0 in the semi-finals, while CESC A defeated CESC B by the same margin. In the Loser’s Plate, Tata Steel A overcame M.N. Dastur and BPCL beat ITC B.
Pradip Bhanja, Neeraj Khemka, Manoj Kothari, Mohammed Salim and Mudit Poddar posted victories in the state senior snooker championship at BRC.
Pradip Bhanja bt Rakesh Gupta 3-0; Neeraj Khemka bt Jayshanker Shaw 3-1; Manoj Kothari bt C. Siddharth 3-1; Mohammed Salim bt Pankaj Agarwal 3-1; Mudit Poddar bt Mahendra Mullick 3-0.
CRICKET: Cooch Behar Trophy — Bengal vs Bihar at Eden Gardens from 9.30 am.
SNOOKER: State meet at BRC from 2 pm.
TENNIS: Merchants’ Cup at South Club.