Degrading the experience of posting on X (formerly Twitter) are links automatically posted in replies, which encourages spam. The platform is working on an option to disable links in replies, according to independent app researcher Nima Owji.
According to Owji, users will be able to tick a box for the option if they don't want people to be able to respond with a link to their posts. Confirming the development is Christopher Stanley, senior director for security engineering at X, who posted: “My team built this.”
The feature will help keep spam bots away and also stop people from promoting their websites in other people's posts. But it also means users may not be able to post links to legitimate sources when they're trying to debunk false information or prevent fake news from spreading further.
Owji has earlier pointed out other features that have come to the social network over the past year. So it appears that we may also see a “Disable Links in Replies” button soon. He previously found that X was experimenting with an in-app currency to help creators earn money from the platform. He also spotted that X was working on new ID verification features, besides discovering that the company was looking to compete with LinkedIn by offering job listings to verified organisations.
Earlier this month, there were reports of X testing a “dislike” button for replies.