The railway cops in Chhattisgarh on Saturday detained a man from a train at Durg railway station in Chhattisgarh on a tip-off from the police in Mumbai investigating the stabbing attack on Saif Ali Khan but nearly three days on it remains unclear why the Bollywood star was attacked at home.
The 30-year-old suspect’s photo had been shared by Mumbai police with the Railway Protection Force (RPF). He was traveling by the Jnaneshwari Express which runs between Mumbai and Kolkata.
The man, identified as Aakash Kailash Kannojia, was seen in a photograph smiling into the camera against the backdrop of the RPF logo.
A Mumbai police team would be reaching soon to take his custody, said an RPF official in Durg.
"We got a call from the Mumbai police in the afternoon today and also received a photograph of the suspect. He was travelling by Jnaneshwari Express, and we were asked to detain him. We checked the train and found him in one of the coaches, following which we detained him. During interrogation, he revealed that his name is Aakash Kailash Kannojia and he is 30-year-old," Sanjeev Sinha, traffic Inspector, RPF, told PTI Videos.
Mumbai police had earlier brought in a man for questioning on Friday but then released him saying he is not a suspect in the case.
Earlier on Saturday, PTI quoted Kareena Kapoor as telling the police in her statement that the intruder got aggressive during the scuffle but did not touch jewellery kept in the open.