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We are the only we who can be we

You pay lip service to you and I being the one and the same and nothing but the one and the same

Sankarshan Thakur Published 03.07.22, 03:22 AM
Different in several ways, but so sublimely one and the same thing. Zara sochiye.

Different in several ways, but so sublimely one and the same thing. Zara sochiye. Anon

We do hope you understand. And if you do not, well, so be it. There are no two ways about it, there is but one: we are we, inclusive of you. And should you wish not to be included do remember that there shall be no you in that case, there shall only be we. Baat khatam. Tamam. Is there a problem?

There probably is. You don’t seem to like, or accept, the reality of it when I say I am you and therefore can inhabit you in a way that I become entirely empowered to do what you do, or would wish to. You discriminate, you see, you have a problem. You pay lip service to you and I being the one and the same and nothing but the one and the same. Sad.


Sad because you must remember, foremost of all, the name we gave ourselves and the name the world knows us by: GIVE DENA. They sound different. They are from different languages. They are, quite naturally, spelt out different. They look different when they are spelt out. But does any of that matter? No. They are one and the same thing: Give. Dena. Give Dena. GiveDena. That’s how we chose to be, just mull the profound thinking and painstaking deliberation that must have gone into crafting that name for ourselves. Give Dena. Different in several ways, but so sublimely one and the same thing. Zara sochiye.

But you have a problem. You have a problem even when we use “ourselves” for ourselves. Your brow arches away a millimetre or so northwards, your pupil turns a shade darker, your nostrils flare as if to turn a different diameter, your lips press tighter together, the cartilage on your chin twists at an affronted angle, your nasal cavity begins to look strangely structured, something strange begins to happen to your Adam’s apple, I mean it begins to mimic a custard apple. Such and many things happen. I shall not go into more details of what other changes happen because describing all of them may begin to require the employment of nouns and adverbs not entirely admissible in a decent family-friendly space such as this. But you are free to use your imagination, there is no ban yet on imagining. Only, be careful about committing what you imagine — or think, or believe, or subscribe to, or whatever — to social or unsocial media. Be warned. Conditions apply. Consequences can follow, not pleasant ones.

Anyhow. Unfortunate it is that you consider us not we. Unremittingly unfortunate. We were Give Dena. Now you say we are not. Think about it. If there is no Give, can there be Dena?

I am in you, you are in me

And I am you and you are me

But that is not then we aren’t we

And all we can then be is wee and wee.

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