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Letter to the Editor: Tea's role in fighting Coronavirus

Readers write in from Calcutta, Raichur, Nadia, Jamshedpur, Chennai and Mumbai

The Editorial Board Published 26.04.23, 05:35 AM

Sourced by the Telegraph

Elixir in a teacup

Sir — The truth is often difficult to swallow, as it will be for Indians who now have to thank the British raj for introducing tea to the subcontinent. The copious amounts of tea that Indians drink daily have been proven to boost immunity against the coronavirus. A study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research states that tea, among other items in the Indian diet such as turmeric, significantly reduced the rate of Covid deaths in India. The Indian way of brewing tea with ginger and lime boosts immunity. Indian culinary traditions also have more wholegrain and unprocessed food than the West, making it a healthier diet. However, this research must not be used as an excuse to gulp down endless cups of tea, which can have many side-effects.


Rohini Sen,Calcutta

Probe deeper

Sir — A video on social and news media shows a mob protesting against the police for dragging away the dead body of a 17-year-old girl at North Dinajpur (“Panels trade barbs over girl’s death”, Apr 24). An ugly public spat has ensued between the chairpersons of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and the West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights after the incident. The NCPCR chairperson was allegedly harassed because of his efforts to bring justice to the girl’s family. This incident requires a sensitive and deeper probe by a Central agency since the state government’s stake in the case leaves room for bias.

S.S. Paul,Nadia

Widen welfare

Sir — The chief minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot, has launched a flagship pro­ject called Mehangai Ra­hat. These camps will be organised across the state to increase the reach of government-sponsored welfare schemes. The state’s commitment to widening the net of social security is appreciable. Other states should follow in Rajasthan’s footsteps.

Bhagwan Thadani,Mumbai

Selfish move

Sir — The Bharatiya Jan­ata Party has gone out of its way to corner the sizeable Christian vote in Kerala (“Easter diplomacy”, April 24). Its motivations are selfish, not born out of respect for Christians. However, the BJP risks alienating its hardline Hindu supporters.

Anthony Henriques,Mumbai

Out of step

Sir — The Bar Council of India has passed a resolution requesting the Supreme Court to set aside the issue of same-sex marriages for legislative consideration. Any matter that can alter the social structure of India should indeed be arrived at through the legislative process.

Shanthi Ramanathan,Chennai

Sir — The BCI does not have the legal standing to pass resolutions about a case that is sub judice. It should not step out of its ambit.

Poushali Dey,Calcutta

Cutting edge

Sir — The Centre has allocated Rs 6,000 crore to launch the National Quantum Mis­sion to develop the study of quantum technology. This campaign will run from 2023-24 to 2030-31. The fund will be utilised to create supercomputers for use in various fields such as photonic technology.

Dattaprasad Shirodkar,Mumbai

In danger

Sir — In India’s forests, grasslands and shrublands, one may, with some luck, come across tigers, leopards, elephants, various deer species and innumerable birds. But it takes a lot of luck to encounter a pangolin. These shy, burrowing anteaters — the world’s only scaled mammals — play a vital role as ecosystem engineers. They help circulate organic matter in the soil and increase soil moisture and aeration, which is beneficial to plant communities. Further, by feeding on ants and termites, they help regulate the population of insects. However, a recent study on the scale of the illicit pangolin trade paints a grim picture of the pangolins’ future in India.

Anjana Ghosh,Calcutta

Efficient solution

Sir — Plastic products, from containers and bags to bottles and food packaging, have become ubiquitous these days. Polyethylene terephthalate, a polymer that is widely used in common plastic products, is one of the sources of plastic pollution. But scientists have discovered a mutated form of an enzyme, Leaf-Branch Compost Cutinase, that degrades PET. It also retains monomers of PET which can then be used to make high-quality recyclable plastic. Further research into LCC can make it a permanent solution to plastic recycling.

Vijaykumar H.K.,Raichur, Karnataka

Fatal belief

Sir — Recently, the Kenyan police have exhumed at least 47 bodies which belonged to the followers of a Christian preacher who had advised them to starve till they met Jesus Christ. Religion is supposed to make our lives more hopeful. Instead, it is repeatedly misused by certain sections of the community to reap benefits. Legal action must be taken against preachers who commit such crimes against humanity.

Jang Bahadur Singh,Jamshedpur

Regressive plots

Sir — Most of the Bengali soaps aired on television these days are regressive, repetitive and outlandish. Instead of reinventing themselves with the times, the serials adhere to outdated customs and rituals. Young widows are prevented from remarrying, fights ensue between women and their in-laws, women are shown to be washing their husbands’ feet and drying them with their hair and so on. Such humiliating depictions refuse to see women as economically independent individuals.

Shipra Chakraborty,Calcutta

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