Fans go ga-ga over Daemon in House of the Dragon
Episode 3’s war sequence gave viewers a taste of the old Game of Thrones
Published 07.09.22, 06:07 AM
House of the Dragon’s newest episode is chaotic, to say the least. There is a simmering tension between King Viserys and his daughter, Princess Rhaenyra, as the latter assumes her father will replace her as his heir. As the royals venture out to a hunt to commemorate Prince Aegon’s second name day, the rogue prince Daemon, along with Sea Snake’s army is fighting a tough battle against Crabfeeder, to take back the Stepstones.
Furious at Lord Corlys for seeking aid from Viserys, Daemon goes to the Stepstones alone in a bold and rather unhinged move. And though the younger Targaryen brother doesn’t utter a single word during the second half of the episode, his actions say plenty about his seething anger towards his brother. He clearly wanted to finish off the Crabfeeder before his brother’s aid arrives and thus marched to the Stepstones, orchestrating an entire attack strategy to lure the army out of their caves, to be burnt by the dragons. And in a haunting sequence, a blood-soaked Daemon carries out the mangled torso of the Crabfeeder, signalling victory over the pirates.
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