Use, write, plant your pencils and see them grow into trees
These eco-friendly stationeries from aurabykl grow into plants
Published 07.12.22, 06:57 AM
Image courtesy: Instagram
Do you love unique stationeries? Then get yourself these eco-friendly pencils from aurabykl, which not only fulfil your writing needs but also save the planet by growing into trees. Made with 100% recycled and biodegradable papers, these pencils can be sown in the soil once they are too small to be used. Water them regularly and watch them grow into plants. These pencils come with spinach, tomato, basil, chilli seeds and more. Oh, and they are priced at just Rs 10 per piece. It not only reduces wastage, but also helps you grow your mini-house garden. So, have you ordered yours?
— Subhadrika Sen
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