Welcome to Georgia, the land of sublime landscapes, churches, wine and more

Underrated and overlooked by many, the home of the Caucasus Mountains is straight out a fairytale

Niloy Nag Published 16.09.23, 11:59 AM
Hills, valleys, villages are among the many picturesque attractions in Georgia, with the capital of Tbilisi as the jewel in its crown

Hills, valleys, villages are among the many picturesque attractions in Georgia, with the capital of Tbilisi as the jewel in its crown Photograph courtesy: Unsplash

Yearning for a fresh adventure, I pondered my next travel destination. Dissecting maps, delving into my own memories and the memoirs of others, I was searching for something that promised uncharted experiences. During this time, a part of the world I had never considered before seemed to pry open my eyes. Steeped in barely documented traditions, I found centuries-old towns scattered amongst verdant hills and breathtaking valleys.

Georgia, a land imbued with history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes, emerged as the perfect choice. With my wife and son by my side, we embarked on a five-day journey, drawn by the allure of Georgia’s ancient architecture, sublime vineyards and the towering Caucasus Mountains. As seasoned travellers, the prospect of unearthing this hidden gem added a new chapter to our family’s globetrotting saga.


Our much-anticipated Georgian adventure commenced as we landed in Tbilisi in the afternoon. The excitement was palpable as we met our driver at the airport, embarking on a journey that promised unforgettable moments. With the sun beginning its gentle descent on the horizon, we undertook a scenic drive towards Borjomi, along Georgia’s captivating highways. The landscapes unfolded like a masterpiece — rolling hills, picturesque valleys and charming villages painted against the canvas of the setting sun.

Upon reaching Borjomi, we checked into our hotel, where we got our first taste of warm Georgian hospitality. Our first meal in Georgia was splendid, starting with the famous Georgian dumplings called Khinkali. The main course was an incredible medley of beans and vegetables called Lobio, accompanied with Mchadi, an unforgettable Georgian cornbread. All of this was washed down with a glass of Georgian red wine, which made for a lovely nightcap.

A verdant paradise that beckoned us with its untouched beauty

The Rabati Castle in Akhaltsikhe is a testament to Georgia’s rich history and architectural grandeur

The Rabati Castle in Akhaltsikhe is a testament to Georgia’s rich history and architectural grandeur Niloy Nag

As dawn illuminated the sky, we indulged in a traditional Georgian breakfast of Adjarian Khachapuri, a mouthwatering dish that left an indelible mark on our taste buds. Energised, we ventured into the enchanting Borjomi Town Park, where the melodious sound of bubbling springs and the refreshing aroma of nature filled the air. The gentle stroll invigorated us for our next exploration, the Rabati Castle in Akhaltsikhe. The castle stands as a testament to Georgia’s rich history, its architectural grandeur unfolding before us like pages from a storybook.

Our journey continued to the Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park, a verdant paradise that beckoned us with its untouched beauty. As we meandered through the trails, the lush foliage and tranquil streams seemed straight out of a fairy tale. The symphony of birdsong accompanied our steps, etching this trek in our hearts.

Later, we returned to the vibrant heartbeat of Georgia, Tbilisi. Our choice of accommodation, Vinotel, was a gem nestled within the city’s unique architecture. The fusion of old-world charm and modern elegance surrounded us, creating an ambiance reflecting Tbilisi’s essence.

As the night draped the city in a velvet embrace, we recounted our day’s adventures while savouring the sumptuous flavours of Georgian cuisine. The grandeur of Rabati Castle, the serenity of the National Park, and the kaleidoscope of Tbilisi’s architecture ignited conversations that seamlessly merged with the city’s narrative.

The narrow, romantic streets of Tbilisi weaved a narrative of a bygone era

So much of Georgia is reflective of an era of timeless elegance

So much of Georgia is reflective of an era of timeless elegance Niloy Nag

Our journey through Georgia continued to unveil the captivating tapestry of its history and culture as we began a private city tour. Tbilisi, the beating heart of this enchanting nation, unravelled its historic core at the base of the Narikala Fortress, a living testament with roots stretching back to the fourth century. The narrow, romantic streets weaved a narrative of a bygone era, adorned with beautiful facades and sites that seemed to beckon us at every turn.

Our exploration led us through a treasure trove of architectural wonders, each more enchanting than the last. From the solemn grace of the Metekhi Church to the timeless elegance of the Sioni Cathedral, from the modern marvel of the Bridge of Peace to the ancient Anchiskhati Church, Tbilisi’s history was carved into every stone.

The city’s appeal continued to amplify as we wandered towards the famed sulphur bathhouses, a stone’s throw away from the Tbilisi Mosque, a blend of traditions that offered a portrait of the city's diversity. Ascending to the Narikala Fortress via a cable car unveiled a breathtaking panorama, where the city’s splendour unfolded against the backdrop of the Caucasus Mountains.

Exploring Mtskheta, where the roots of Georgian Christianity first took hold

Georgia has a plethora of gobsmacking delicacies, including a variety of breads

Georgia has a plethora of gobsmacking delicacies, including a variety of breads Niloy Nag

A culinary delight awaited us as we savoured a meal fit for kings, starting with a round of obligatory Kinkhali. This was quickly followed by a round of Mtsvadi, kebabs with a mix of spices unique to this part of the world. Another incredible discovery was Pkhali, mashed carrots with spices and an unmistakable texture. Accompanying all of this was Lobiani, a flatbread stuffed with an incredible bean paste. Each bite was a symphony of flavours, a testament to the country’s culinary prowess.

Our journey then took us to Mtskheta, Georgia’s ancient capital, a UNESCO World Heritage site where the roots of Georgian Christianity first took hold in the fourth century. We embraced the town’s rich history and heritage as we explored the Jvari Monastery, absorbing the panoramic vista where the rivers, Aragvi and Mtkvari, converged. The revered Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, an embodiment of spiritual sanctity, cast its timeless aura upon us, connecting us to the nation’s soul.

Venturing further, we arrived at the Uplistsikhe Cave Town, a marvel from the first millennium. The ethereal beauty of this troglodyte settlement left us humbled and amazed as we moved through its ancient chambers. As the day drew to a close, we returned to Tbilisi, our hearts and minds brimming with the splendours of Georgia's past and present.

A journey through the heart of Georgia’s vineyards

The vineyards of Georgia are among the oldest and most stunning in the world

The vineyards of Georgia are among the oldest and most stunning in the world Niloy Nag

The next day unfolded as a sensory journey through the heart of Georgia’s storied wine region, Kakheti, where time seemed to dissolve amidst vine-covered landscapes and ancient traditions. As we delved into this viticultural haven, it became evident that Georgia truly stands as the cradle of wine, its historical roots extending deep into the annals of time.

Georgia’s viticultural legacy, tracing back an astounding 8000 vintages to 6000 BC, is a reflection of its profound connection with winemaking. UNESCO acknowledged the nation’s unique approach — the ancient method of crafting wine in subterranean clay jars. This tradition, rooted in the very soul of the land, has retained its authenticity and allure.

Our first stop led us to the romantic embrace of Signagi, a small town that exudes a rustic charm. The cobbled streets and quaint facades echo with tales of the past, transporting us to a long lost era. Our journey then led us to the Bodbe Convent, a serene sanctuary surrounded by nature’s tranquillity, a haven for contemplation and reverence. Continuing our exploration, we arrived at the Kvareli Wine Tunnel, where the aromatic symphonies of Georgian wines beckoned. With each sip, we tasted the essence of the land, feeling the history and tradition cascade over our palates.

As the day progressed, we journeyed to the Gremi Fortress, a 16th-century marvel that was another fine example of Georgia’s architectural legacy. The fortress exuded an air of grandeur, whispering tales of the past from within its ancient walls.

A pause in Telavi offered us a moment to capture the town’s essence in photographs, a fleeting yet cherished memory. The journey back to Tbilisi was adorned with the stunning vistas of the Gombori Pass, a breathtaking route that wove through mountains and valleys, encapsulating the beauty of Georgia’s diverse landscape.

The Caucasus Mountains, Stepantsminda and a taste of Ludi

A breathtaking view of the Caucasus Mountains

A breathtaking view of the Caucasus Mountains Photograph courtesy: Unsplash

At dawn the next day, we began our journey northward along the legendary Georgian Military Highway, a route that threads through time and landscape, revealing the captivating tapestry of Georgia’s history and natural beauty. Our first encounter was the magnificent Ananuri Fortress Complex, which harks back to the twilight of the feudal era. The intricate details of its design painted stunning strokes of the past against the canvas of the present.

Continuing our ascent into the embrace of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, we indulged in panoramic stops that unfolded like pages from a traveller’s dream. The landscapes unfurled beneath the sky, inviting us to capture these ephemeral moments.

Our arrival in Stepantsminda, once known as Kazbegi, heralded a rendezvous with the sublime. The majestic crown jewel of the Caucasus, Mount Kazbek, resplendent with its perpetual snow blanket, stood as a silent sentinel. Legends whispered in the wind, and an ancient Greek tale echoed — the myth of Prometheus, punished for his daring theft of fire, chained to the very peak that loomed before us.

In this ethereal setting, we ventured towards the Gergeti Trinity Church, perched on the slopes of Kazbegi Peak. The journey, both spiritual and physical, offered us breathtaking vistas, a tribute to nature’s grandeur and human devotion.

As we retraced our steps to Tbilisi, the day’s memories accompanied us like cherished companions. But before the journey concluded, a final touch of Georgian authenticity awaited us — homemade Georgian beer known as Ludi. This humble memento encapsulated the heart of Georgia’s hospitality and tradition, a taste of the journey’s spirit to accompany us on the ride back.

Our holiday in Georgia was an awakening of the senses. The charm of Tbilisi’s cobbled streets, the soul-stirring tales of ancient forts and the breathtaking grandeur of the Caucasus Mountains stirred my wanderlust anew. The vineyards of Kakheti whispered stories as I savoured its wines, and the timeless beauty of Stepantsminda’s peaks left me humbled. Each experience rekindled the flame of my passion for travel, reminding me why I explore — to witness the world’s wonders, to connect with culture, and to rediscover the joy of embracing the unknown. Georgia breathed new life into my explorer’s spirit once again.

Niloy Nag is the Founder and Managing Partner of Flying Squirrel Holidays (, based out of Kolkata and Dubai

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