Sussanne Khan talks on her first F&B venture with Trapeze

The creative head and co-partner of the restaurant speaks about her debut in the city with her first F&B outlet and her design aesthetics

Pramita Ghosh Published 13.03.21, 02:25 AM
Interiors of Trapeze.

Interiors of Trapeze. Pictures: B. Halder

Trapeze — Bar & Kitchen, the newest baby on Park Street that opened its door on January 1, is all set to officially launch with a permanent tipple licence and an irresistible cocktail menu. Ahead of its launch party on March 14, The Telegraph chatted with Sussanne Khan — creative head and co-partner of Trapeze along with Sweta Tantia — on making her debut in the city with her first F&B outlet, her passion for design and her inherent hospitable nature.

Lets talk about Trapeze. What prompted you to finally get associated with the project?


So two years ago, Sweta Tantia was introduced to me by a very dear friend of mine from Delhi, Anjun Sahawney. And we were in talks about doing something about my (furniture design) brand Charcoal Project, in Calcutta. So I saw various properties in Calcutta but then when I walked in at this property (where Trapeze is located) it was this idea that popped in and I told her that lets do a concept bar and kitchen instead of a furniture design store. So it was then I decided to enter the market of F&B to showcase something that is fun. So when I saw the location — one side you have the Chowringhee and then on one side you have Park Street, it totally made my mind activated.

Sussanne Khan

Sussanne Khan

Why did you name the place Trapeze?

In life you need to know how to juggle on the trapeze. It’s about balancing life, the good and bad. I came up with this concept and Sweta loved it, so did Arjun and we three brainstormed and came up with this.

What is the concept behind Trapeze?

Now we are operational around 6,000sq ft space but there is a space on the terrace, and once things get better… there is a beautiful outdoor space that could be a mixology bar. When Covid-19 hit, we were ready to open, so that phase hit us hard and we were disheartened but it’s been such an amazing journey. Sweta herself is a very enterprising woman who is filled with ideas of entrepreneurship, then my friend Arjun, he has got so much knowledge of how to market and bring like-minded people together. From architectural designs to F&B, it’s a huge jump for me. I have been extremely passionate about hosting people and taking care of people, I love to feed people at home. That was the initial place from where I got the idea.

Getting into F&B for the first time, with a base in Mumbai, why did you consider to open something in Calcutta?

I choose Calcutta as my first F&B project because when I came here and she showed me the property it reminded me of old Bombay. Sweta is really passionate about what she is doing and having her as a partner is a huge benefit. Even when I’m not there it’s her baby. I know she will take that much care like me. I felt secured to do this because of Sweta and the other thing would be, the people of Calcutta are so full of life… so I felt it was the right place to start with.

Interiors of Trapeze

Interiors of Trapeze

Interiors of Trapeze

Interiors of Trapeze

The place looks amazing. Tell us about the design aspect...

We did not have a skylight but I told them that we have to have that because I wanted light to come down. Then I wanted these birds or animals as installations. So we went with eagle installations dropping down from the skylight. The design had to be edgy chic. We wanted it to be fun and engaging… look at the lights we used! Everything we got made. I wanted it to look like a wild exotic forest type… like in the middle of the forest you have a bird sanctuary. We got these tables with a particular artwork done and then we wanted to have some colours and have a trapeze artwork done in the backdrop, hence give an old-world charm and make it a little warmer. I want people to feel that they can swing towards the magic.

What is your fave section or corner at Trapeze?

I love the section where you can look up and see the eagles hanging from top. I am a strong believer of energy. We wanted the energy to flow from ground to the top, so wanted that cut. So that the guests felt connected. If you talk of a good concept restaurant there has to be a good flow of energy. The beauty of this place is also during daytime and just at night. There’s so much of light entering from all around during the day and it makes it look beautiful and enchanting.

Being an interior person, you get to play with so many prints, textures and motifs… tell us about your fave motif that you have used in Trapeze.

Oh that’s an interesting question! I would say that I have a fine blend of masculine and feminine in me. When I look at art and architecture, I like something that has a moulded feeling, something that is rounded. I am very attracted towards something that has strong architectural structure but it needs to have a delicate aspect as well. Like I am a petite person but I am attracted towards strong things. By large I am a very yin yang person, like a masculine and feminine. At Trapeze I’m attracted to so many things that it’s hard to pick just one. As a design person, balance is a key.

Unlike the other metropolitan cities, Calcutta market to an extent is still quite price sensitive. How did you guys work out the pricing?

Of course! We were extremely cautious. We wanted the place to be affordable because we want to attract people of all age groups.

So, how often will we see you hanging out at Trapeze?

Once I get the vaccine, I will come very often! (Laughs) After Charcoal Project, this is my baby!

How do you look back at 2020?

A beautiful year in my personal growth. I think I got time out from being on a certain conveyor belt… trying to do this, work hard etc. This year taught me to take care of myself, an aspect of life that we easily take for granted. I think we became more sensitive to the people around. Gratitude, kindness were brought in more abundance. Giving it back to the society… taking care of people. Giving it back to humanity is the agenda now; I need to give it back to all the great people in my life.

So what’s on your agenda in 2021?

I have got back to working in office. We are also launching my Charcoal Project online, and then there are few things related to my personal growth. Then finally obviously I have my Trapeze!

Fave restaurant in the country and abroad: Abroad would be Nobu and of course Trapeze in India!

Fave Cuisine: I like global! I also love Indian food, Marwari khana. I am diverse with my choices.

Comfort food: Indian food.

Fave ingredient: Green chilli! I eat very spicy food.

Fave poison: Tequila.

Do you cook? I cook a lot! I have recently moved into my new home and my most important part is the kitchen. We often have a cookout with my brother too.

Three dishes that you nail: Whole-wheat pizza with sundried tomatoes, goat cheese. Then Chicken Korma, and I do a lot of baking too!

You cook so well, you love eating, where does the food go?

I work out and have become very serious about it. Then of course I’m genetically blessed, my parents have given me good genes so I don’t gain weight!

Any workout trend you are following?

A new programme that I am following is called Sohfit by Sohrab Khushrushahi in Bombay and it’s fabulous! It’s all virtual. I’m doing a build programme for gaining muscles.

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