Traffic alert and weather forecast for Monday

Read on to find out more

My Kolkata Web Desk Published 02.05.22, 11:17 AM
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Kolkata Traffic Police have notified about a procession that might affect the city traffic on Monday (02.05.2022).

3pm: A procession from Raja Subodh Mullick Square to RR Avenue. The likely route is along SN Banerjee Road and Dorina crossing.


Weather forecast for Monday (02.05.2022)

The maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 34°C and 24°C, respectively.
Thundershower can be expected.
Sunset: 6.04pm
Sunrise: 5.04am

Ramzan timings

Iftar: 6.08pm

Yesterday’s weather update (01.05.2022)

Maximum: 34.7°C (-1)
Minimum: 22.3°C (-3)
Rainfall: 2.4mm
Maximum: 89%
Minimum: 39%

Red Road Eid namaz

The Eid namaz on Red Road will be back after a two-year gap. Eid falls on Tuesday, said the imam of Nakhoda mosque. Arrangements are underway for hundreds of thousands of people to gather on Tuesday morning, said organisers. “We did not organise the prayers on Red Road in the past two years because of the pandemic. We had urged people to pray at their homes and avoid large gatherings. But now that Covid seems to be under control, we will organise the prayers on Red Road. All necessary arrangements are on track,” said Zia Nafis, treasurer of the Calcutta Khilafat Committee, organisers of the Eid prayers.

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