Crafted by hand
I love craftwork, drawing and painting, besides my research studies in various socio-political issues. Recently I have made a cargo plane for my eight-year-old grandson Rudraksh, on his request. The plane is made of waste materials and some coloured craft papers. A few months back, I had made an aircraft carrier ship and a submarine too, with which he plays regularly.

Amit M. Bhattacharya, Rosedale Gardens, New Town.
Wait for nor’westers
Summer is one of my favourite seasons and an important reason for the same is its gift of my most favourite fruit- the mango.
I eagerly wait the whole year for summer because for mangoes. Currently I am waiting for the day when I get to taste my first Himsagar of this year. I find the Himsagar the best variety of the fruit.
The second reason of liking the summer is kalbaishakhi. It may sound surprising to some but I just love to witnessing kalbaishakhi from my bedroom window. The nor’westers also give me opportunities to click some beautiful photographs.
Unfortunately, now-a-days kalbaishakhi is becoming increasingly rare and this year too seems to be carrying on this new trend. Nonetheless, I’m waiting for the nor'westers. Till then, I’m clicking other summer moments.
The summer is also keeping busy the writer in me. I am preparing manuscripts of my contributions to pujabarshikis. For a few years now my articles have been getting published and my offerings for this year should be ready in a few weeks.
Sourish Misra, 42 years,
SA Block