Schools in Kolkata, suburbs organise leadership activities

St Augustine’s Day School, Barrackpore, organised a special prayer service to observe Ash Wednesday

Bitan Sikdar And Chandreyee Ghose Published 07.07.22, 11:10 AM

Calcutta Public School, Kalikapur

Young leaders of Calcutta Public School, Kalikapur, got their badges and spoke of their goals and agendas at an investiture ceremony organised at the school auditorium.

Students, teachers, principal Proma Das and school secretary Tathagata Das attended the event. A speech by Chandreyee Dasgupta, the teacher in charge of the four houses, kicked off the programme.


Former head-girl-turnedteacher, Shalini Chakraborty, took over. She narrated her experiences as the leader in 2013-14 and encouraged the new ones through her speech.

The new leaders entered the auditorium in a procession to drum beats. Head girl Aditi Roy, head boy Abhinandan Chakraborty and games captain Anurag Kumar Jha were followed by the post holders of the four houses — Tulip, Rose, Orchid and Daffodil. Finally, the principal conferred them with their respective badges.

Each house got eight minutes to present its motto and agenda. Leaders of Tulip (blue) House spoke of their vision, focus, teamwork and effort. They showed a PowerPoint presentation of their achievements and future agendas and finished off with a dance. Rose (red) House chose the Mahabharata to talk about their goals. Students dressed up as Krishna, Draupadi, Arjun and the Pandavas to talk about some positive qualities that guide them. A painting depicting their team spirit was done in the background. A PowerPoint presentation and a flower formation ended their session.

Representatives of Orchid (yellow) House said how are ruled by three Rs — Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility. They also spoke about unity in diversity and their goals. They ended with flag hoisting, a dance and a pyramid formation.

Daffodil (green) House spoke of their inspiration and goals. They highlighted their belief — knowledge is power; power is wisdom.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. At the investiture ceremony, we acknowledge our school’s upcoming leaders and repose our trust in them. The young leaders uphold the values of the school and serve the institution honestly and impartially. They are on the threshold of a new beginning and the values they imbibe from the school will guide them forever,” said principal Proma Das.

Lakshmipat Singhania Academy

The halls of Lakshmipat Singhania Academy recently resonated with the joyful voices of children from Classes II to V as they gathered to commemorate a milestone in their educational life.

The convocation ceremony for these two classes was held in the junior assembly hall. The students wore specially crafted caps for this occasion.

School director Meena Kak spoke to the students and advised them not to compare themselves to others, because each individual is different in their personality and qualities. It is important to learn to value the unique individuals that God has created, she said.

As their classmates began on a new academic path, the students of Class IV sang Seasons in the Sun. Following that, the audience was shown an audiovisual presentation on the importance of gratitude. After that, Aaghnya Nathany of Class IV recited a poem, Tera Lakshya, which portrays that success comes to those who persevere until they attain their objectives.

The pupils in Classes II and V then made a vow to try their best to achieve the standards set for them and to live up to their institution’s pride and distinction.

“I turned a little emotional seeing the students in their convocation caps. It was after two years that we had this ceremony with students of Classes II and V in full strength. Wish students are able to relive good old days with their friends and mentors in the new academic session,” said director Meena Kak.

St Augustine’s Day School, Barrackpore

St Augustine’s Day School, Barrackpore, recently organised a special prayer service in St Augustine Chapel to observe Ash Wednesday.

Officially known as the Day of Ashes, it’s a day of repentance; a reminder of the need for reconciliation with God when one confesses one’s sins and professes one’s devotion to God. Marking the onset of the penitential Lenten season, it’s commonly observed with ashes, fasting and abstinence where only one full meal and no meat are to be consumed. The Ash Wednesday service began with a hymn sung by the choir which set the tone for the beginning of the Lenten season.

The Gospel of Matthew reminded one that all that he or she does during the Lenten period should be personal. “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,” Father Gnana Peppin, the main celebrant of the Mass, gave a simple yet meaningful homily about Fasting, Repentance and Almsgiving — the highlights of Lent. The Eucharistic rituals were conducted thereafter and the mass ended with a hymn, “God of Mercy and compassion”.

“To me, Ash Wednesday inculcates the value of humility in us. Humility is the greatest companion of a person. We intend to continue with our special prayer services to make our students feel connected to the presence of God. If we are able to engrain the habit of prayer in them, it is more likely to become a lasting part of their lives,” said principal Jhuma Biswas.

South City International School

Students and teachers of South City International School celebrated Rabindra Jayanti on May 9 at their school auditorium.

The chief guest on the occasion was Amita Prasad, the director of Indus Valley World School. The event began with the school song. South City International founder-principal John Bagul, along with others, felicitated Prasad and lit the inaugural lamp to a song by the school choir.

“The school has always stressed upon multidisciplinary education and tried to toe the line set by Tagore. The philosophy of interactive learning enables students to be wholesome, thoughtful and well informed individuals in sync with the scientific and cultural ethos of a constantly evolving world scenario,” said Bagul.

A short drama, Nabo Anonday Jago, followed. The students also put up recitation, song and dance performances for over an hour. “I am overwhelmed. The collaboration, cooperation and teamwork was very well defined in the event. The students created magic on stage,” said the chief guest at the end of the event.

St Stephen’s School, Bowbazar

Class monitors of St Stephen’s School, Bowbazar, took over their task at an investiture ceremony organised on June 23. The selected representatives from Classes V to X were administered an oath by Zha Liyou, consul general of China. They promised to fulfill their duties and be responsible, respectful and obedient.

The consul general was also taken round the school. He appreciated the students’ performances.

He spoke on a variety of issues. “We will explore the possibility of conducting cultural and educational exchange programmes with schools in China in the near future,” said headmistress Ayesha Iqbal Siddiqui.

Sunny Prep. & High School

To celebrate the achievements of little ones, Sunny Prep. & High School organised a graduation day for students of KG-II on the school premises recently. All the students of KG-II were welcomed with a great round of applause. The principal, along with the teachers, were present to attend the ceremony dedicated to the blooming buddies.

The little ones wore their graduation caps or mortarboards and were ready for the event. The display boards were decorated by the teachers with fun and colourful cut-outs.

Pre-Primary co-ordinator Jyothi Radhakrishnan anchored the event. It began with cheering them on stage. The children were looking smart with their graduation caps and they topped off their looks with a smile on their faces. The programme started with the school prayer followed by a Thank You song by the students with delightful expressions, for all the teachers of Sunny Prep. & High School. The radiant faces of the little ones shone brightly as they lifted up their caps in the air and posed for a quick photo session.

“The year of 2021 has been an unforgettable year in terms of getting accustomed to the new normal for teaching-learning experience. However, this has not affected the dedication and good work of the tiny tots and their facilitators of Sunny Prep. & High School in shaping up the future generation through education and other co-curricular activities throughout the year. God bless all the graduates,” said principal Pubali Bhattacharya.

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