Rath Yatra rituals, dry spell and more Kolkata news in pictures

A quick look at the day that was for Kolkata

My Kolkata Web Desk Published 11.07.24, 07:51 PM
Iskcon monks take Lakshmi Devi on a palanquin to ‘Maasibari’ at the Brigade Parade Ground on Thursday
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Iskcon monks take Lakshmi Devi on a palanquin to ‘Maasibari’ at the Brigade Parade Ground on Thursday

Soumyajit Dey
It’s still mid-monsoon in Bengal but white fluffy clouds in Kolkata skies on Thursday gave a feeling of autumn. Kolkata has been experiencing a dry spell for last two-three days
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It’s still mid-monsoon in Bengal but white fluffy clouds in Kolkata skies on Thursday gave a feeling of autumn. Kolkata has been experiencing a dry spell for last two-three days

Soumyajit Dey
Former footballer Dipendu Biswas speaks at the title announcement of the Bengali film ‘Dipu’ based on his life at Calcutta Sports Journalists Club on Thursday
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Former footballer Dipendu Biswas speaks at the title announcement of the Bengali film ‘Dipu’ based on his life at Calcutta Sports Journalists Club on Thursday

My Kolkata
A dilapidated house with overgrown trees at Waterloo Street near Esplanade.There are around 3,000 such derelict houses in Kolkata.
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A dilapidated house with overgrown trees at Waterloo Street near Esplanade.There are around 3,000 such derelict houses in Kolkata.

Amit Datta
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