Peace rally, rising temperature and more news from Kolkata in pictures

A quick look at the day that was for Kolkata

My Kolkata Web Desk Published 03.04.24, 08:04 PM
A peace rally was organised by the Bangiya Christiya Pariseba where priests, nuns and members of the Christian community participated. A prayer was held beside the Gandhi Statue on Mayo Road
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A peace rally was organised by the Bangiya Christiya Pariseba where priests, nuns and members of the Christian community participated. A prayer was held beside the Gandhi Statue on Mayo Road

Suvendu Das
The first few days of April have been grimy and humid. The maximum temperature on Wednesday was around 38°C
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The first few days of April have been grimy and humid. The maximum temperature on Wednesday was around 38°C

Suvendu Das and Arnab Dutta
Students of Jadavpur University have put up banner in the campus showing their solidarity with the people of Ladakh who are fighting for their rights
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Students of Jadavpur University have put up banner in the campus showing their solidarity with the people of Ladakh who are fighting for their rights

Arnab Dutta
Ahead of Eid and Bengali New Year, youngsters were seen shopping at New Market on Wednesday
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Ahead of Eid and Bengali New Year, youngsters were seen shopping at New Market on Wednesday

Suvendu Das
A horse on Maidan quenches his thirst to get some respite from the humid weather
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A horse on Maidan quenches his thirst to get some respite from the humid weather

Soumyajit Dey
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