Kolkata weather forecast and traffic alert for Wednesday, July 3

Read on to find out more

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 03.07.24, 11:35 AM
For representational purposes

For representational purposes File photograph

Weather forecast for Wednesday (3.7.2024)

The maximum and minimum temperatures on Wednesday are likely to be around 30°C and 26°C, respectively.



Sunrise: 4.57am

Sunset: 6.25pm

Yesterday’s weather update (2.7.2024)


Maximum: 29.4°C (-3.2)

Minimum: 27.1°C (+0.4)

Rainfall: 32.7mm


Maximum: 98%

Minimum: 87%

Till 11.25am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Wednesday (3.7.2024)

Metro construction in Kidderpore

The construction of the diaphragm wall of a shaft to launch the tunnel boring machines (TBM) to build the underground section of the upcoming Joka-Esplanade Metro corridor has started, the carrier said on Tuesday. The shaft is being built inside St Thomas Boys School in Kidderpore. "The construction of the D-Wall of this launching shaft started on June 27…. The length of this D-Wall will be 65 metres and this construction is expected to be over within two months," said an official. The Metro line is now functional between Joka and Majerhat. The corridor goes underground from Mominpore. The four underground stations are Kidderpore, Victoria, Park Street and Esplanade. The TBMs are expected to arrive from Germany in January 2025 and will start working from March 2025, said the official.

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