Weather forecast for Tuesday (9.7.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Tuesday are likely to be around 33°C and 28°C, respectively.
Sunset: 6.25pm
Sunrise: 4.58am
Yesterday’s weather update (8.7.2024)
Maximum: 32.2°C (-0.3)
Minimum: 27.6°C (+0.8)
Rainfall: 2.9mm
Maximum: 95%
Minimum: 70%
Till 11.15am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Tuesday (9.7.2024)
Gym opened in Chetla
A gym spread across 8,000sq ft area was inaugurated at the Chetla Agrani club on Sunday. The club had a gym earlier but it has been upgraded and new equipment installed, said a club official.