Kolkata weather forecast and traffic alert for Thursday, June 27

Read on to find out more

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 27.06.24, 11:24 AM
For representational purposes

For representational purposes File photograph

Weather forecast for Thursday (27.6.2024)

The maximum and minimum temperatures on Thursday are likely to be around 34°C and 29°C, respectively.


Generally cloudy sky

Sunset: 6.25pm

Sunrise: 4.55am

Yesterday’s weather update (26.6.2024)


Maximum: 35.4°C (+2.5)

Minimum: 29.4°C (+2.6)

Rainfall: Nil


Maximum: 87%

Minimum: 54%

Till 11.20am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Thursday (27.6.2024)

Teachers protest

A section of contractual teachers at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) confined the vice-chancellor at the university s office in Salt Lake till late on Wednesday. They were protesting the university s decision to discontinue some of the courses. The teachers alleged the VC took the decision without any discussions by the academic council. Interim VC Tapas Chakraborty said they decided to discontinue some of the non-technical self-financed courses as they did not have any takers.

Police event

Kolkata police observed the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking at the Bodyguard Lines in Alipore on Wednesday morning.

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