Weather forecast for Thursday (20.6.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Thursday are likely to be around 33°C and 27°C, respectively.
Rain or thundershower in some areas
Sunset: 6.24pm
Sunrise: 4.52am
Yesterday’s weather update (19.6.2024)
Maximum: 34.4°C (+0.6)
Minimum: 30.4°C (+3.4)
Rainfall: Trace
Maximum: 84%
Minimum: 72%
Till 11.25am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Thursday (20.6.2024)
Metro brings forward last train to 10.40pm
Metro Railway has cited low passenger count to shut down earlier than what it has been doing.
Starting Monday, June 24, the last trains will leave Dum Dum and Kavi Subhas (New Garia) at 10.40pm, instead of 11pm, the carrier said on Wednesday.
But in almost a month that the 11pm trains have been in operation, many passengers pointed to what they called "deterrence" in availing of the last trains. More than one passenger has told this newspaper that their experience suggested that Metro authorities were not keen on running the 11pm trains.
The 11pm trains have been running since May 24.