Weather forecast for Thursday (4.7.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Thursday are likely to be around 29°C and 25°C, respectively.
Sunrise: 4.57am
Sunset: 6.25pm
Yesterday’s weather update (3.7.2024)
Maximum: 29.2°C (-3.4)
Minimum: 24.8°C (-1.9)
Rainfall: 22.1mm
Maximum: 98%
Minimum: 92%
Till 11.25am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Thursday (4.7.2024)
Admission portal
Education minister Bratya Basu wrote on his X handle on Wednesday that a total 87,010 applications had been received from states including Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Assam, Bihar and Maharashtra on the online admission portal that was launched to facilitate admissions in government and aided colleges of Bengal. The minister said the fact that a large number of candidates were applying from states outside Bengal suggests that they prefer Bengal as their destination for higher education.