Weather forecast for Saturday (30.3.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Saturday are likely to be around 35°C and 28°C, respectively.
Partly cloudy sky
Sunset: 5.52pm
Sunrise: 5.31am
Ramzan timings
Iftar: 5.55pm
Sehri: 4.09am
Yesterday’s weather update (29.3.2024)
Maximum: 34.7°C (0)
Minimum: 27.5°C (+3)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 91%
Minimum: 52%
Kolkata Traffic Police posted a list of programmes that might affect the city traffic on Saturday (30.3.2024)
- 6pm: A meeting in front of 5B/14, Marwari Building, Seals Garden Lane
- 9pm: Procession from 61 Canning Street to terminate at Golkuthi i.e. 35 Rabindra Sarani via Bagri Market - Ezra Street - Rabindra Sarani
Metro inspection
The chief commissioner of railway safety, Janak Kumar Garg, on Friday inspected the Hemanta Mukhopadhyay (Ruby crossing)-Beliaghata stretch of the New Garia-airport Metro corridor (Orange Line). A CCRS inspection is mandatory before the start of commercial services. The Orange Line is now operational between New Garia and Ruby. The next stretch due for commissioning is the one that Garg inspected on Friday.
Gold haul
Ten gold biscuits weighing 1.16kg, worth Rs 81.66 lakh, were found hidden in a car that was stopped and jointly checked by officers of Shyampukur police station and Jorabagan traffic guard on Friday afternoon. Police said the vehicle was checked as part of a routine drive. Five persons, who allegedly could not explain the source of the gold, were detained, cops said.