Kolkata weather forecast and traffic alert for Saturday, June 15

Read on to find out more

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 15.06.24, 11:20 AM
For representational purposes

For representational purposes File photograph

Weather forecast for Saturday (15.6.2024)

The maximum and minimum temperatures on Saturday are likely to be around 36°C and 29°C, respectively.



Sunset: 6.22pm

Sunrise: 4.52am

Yesterday’s weather update (14.6.2024)


Maximum: 37.4°C (+2.9)

Minimum: 30.1°C (+2.9)

Rainfall: Nil


Maximum: 87%

Minimum: 54%

Till 11.20am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Saturday (15.6.2024)


The southwest monsoon is likely to arrive in south Bengal next week, the Met office has said. "We can expect the monsoon to enter south Bengal around June 18-19," said Somenath Dutta, who heads the Regional Meteorological Centre in Alipore. Rain and thunderstorm are expected in south Bengal in the run-up to the monsoon’s arrival.

Central forces

A high court division bench headed by Justice Harish Tandon on Friday issued an order asking the state and central governments to file separate affidavits by June 18 stating the number of central forces personnel still in the city. Justice Tandon asked the state to inform the court how many schools across the state are being used to keep the central forces.

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