Weather forecast for Monday (12.6.2023)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Monday are likely to be around 37°C and 28°C, respectively.
Partly cloudy sky can be expected
Sunset: 6.21pm
Sunrise: 4.52am
Yesterday’s weather update (11.6.2023)
Maximum: 37°C (+2.5)
Minimum: 29°C (+1.8)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 92%
Minimum: 51%
Kolkata Traffic Police have posted a list of programmes that might affect the city traffic on Monday (12.6.2023)
- 4pm: Procession from Jawaharlal Nehru Road to Mayo Road
Footpath repair
The Kolkata Municipal Corporation will start restoring footpaths along Raja Santosh Road, Judges Court Road and Hastings Park Road. The roads were dug up for underground utility-related work. The restoration will cost about Rs 6.91 lakh. The KMC has invited bids for the work.